Browse result page of ThPDB2

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Tabular representation:

IDTHPP_IDTherapeutic NameSequenceMolecular WeightChemical FormulaIsoelectric PointHydrophobicityMelting PointHalf LifeDescriptionDisease/IndicationPharmacodynamicsMechanism of ActionToxicityMetabolismAbsorptionVolume of DistributionClearanceCategoriesPatent NumberDate of IssueDate of ExpiryDrug InteractionTargetBrand NameCompanyBrand DescriptionPrescribed forChemical NameFormulationPhysical AppearanceRoute of AdministationRecommended DosageContraindicationSide EffectsUseful Links 1Useful Links 2Remarks
10327Th1046Abciximab>Th1046_Abciximab EVQLQQSGTVLARPGASVKMSCEASGYTFTNYWMHWVKQRPGQGLEWIGAIYPGNSDTSYIQKFKGKAKLTAVTSTTSVYMELSSLTNEDSAVYYCTLYDGYYVFAYWGQGTLVTVSAASTKGPSVFPLAPSSKSTSGGTAALGCLVKDYFPEPVTVSWNSGALTSGVHTFPAVLQSSGLYSLSSVVTVPSSSLGTQTYICNVNHKPSNTKVDKKVEPKSCDKTH 145651.1C6462H9964N1690O2049S486.16-0.42471initial half-life of less than 10 minutes and a second phase half-life of about 30 minutesAbciximab is a Fab fragment of the chimeric human-murine monoclonal antibody 7E3. Abciximab binds to the glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa receptor of human platelets and inhibits platelet aggregation by preventing the binding of fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, and other adhesive molecules. It also binds to vitronectin (αvβ3) receptor found on platelets and vessel wall endothelial and smooth muscle cells.Abciximab is indicated as an adjunct to percutaneous coronary intervention for the prevention of cardiac ischemic complications in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and in patients with unstable angina not responding to conventional medical therapy when percutaneous coronary intervention is planned within 24 hours. Abciximab is intended for use with aspirin and heparin and has been studied only in that setting.Abciximab inhibits platelet aggregation by preventing the binding of fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, and other adhesive molecules to GPIIb/IIIa receptor sites on activated platelets. A single intravenous bolus dose from 0.15 mg/kg to 0.30 mg/kg produced rapid dose-dependent inhibition of platelet function. After two hours post-injection with a dose of 0.25 - 0.30 mg/kg, 80% of the GPIIb/IIIa receptors were blocked and platelet aggregation was prevented. GPIIb/IIIa is the major surface receptor involved in the final pathway of platelet aggregation. Bleeding time increases to over 30 minutes at the aforementioned doses. To compare, baseline values were five minutes.Abciximab binds to the intact platelet GPIIb/IIIa receptor, which is a member of the integrin family of adhesion receptors and the major platelet surface receptor involved in platelet aggregation. This binding is thought to involve steric hindrance and/orconformational alterations which block access of large molecules to the receptor rather than direct interaction with the RGD (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid) binding site of GPIIb/IIIa. By binding to the vitronectin receptor (also known as the αvβ3 integrin), abciximab blocks effects mediated by this integrin which include cell adhesion. Furthermore, abciximab blocks Mac-1 receptor on monocytes and neutrophils thus inhibiting monocyte adhesion.NAMost likely removed by opsonization via the reticuloendothelial system when bound to platelets, or by human antimurine antibody production. Excreted renally.NANANAAmino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins, Antibodies, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized, Anticoagulants, Antiplatelet agents, Blood and Blood Forming Organs, Blood Proteins, Globulins, Hematologic Agents, Immunoglobulin Fab Fragments, Immunoglobulin Fragments, Immunoglobulins, Immunoproteins, Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents, Peptide Fragments, Peptides, Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors Excl. Heparin, Proteins, Serum GlobulinsCA13413577-May-20027-May-2019Additive anticoagulant/antiplatelet effects may increase bleed risk. Concomitant therapy should be avoided with Ginkgo biloba.Integrin beta-3,Integrin alpha-IIb,Low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor III-B,Complement C1r subcomponent,Complement C1q subcomponent subunit A,Complement C1q subcomponent subunit B,Complement C1q subcomponent subunit C,Low affinity immunoReoProEli Lilly and Company, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Janssen Biotech, Inc.Eli Lilly and Company, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Janssen Biotech, Inc.ReoPro is used to lessen the chance of heart attack in people who need percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), a procedure to open blocked arteries of the heart.NAEach single use vial contains 2 mg/mL of Abciximab in a buffered solution (pH 7.2) of 0.01 M sodium phosphate, 0.15 M sodium chloride and 0.001% polysorbate 80 in Water for Injection. No preservatives are added.Clear, colorless, Sterile, non-pyrogenic solutionIntravenous administartionThe recommended dosage of Abciximab in adults is a 0.25 mg/kg intravenous bolus administered 10-60 minutes before the start of PCI, followed by a continuous Intravenous infusion of 0.125 _g/kg/min (to a maximum of 10 _g/min) for 12 hours.Active internal bleeding, Recent (within six weeks) gastrointestinal (GI) or genitourinary (GU) bleeding of clinical significance, History of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) within two years, or CVA with a significant residual neurological deficit, Bleeding diathesis; Administration of oral anticoagulants within seven days unless prothrombin time is I 1.2 times control; Thrombocytopenia (< 100,000 cells/pL); Recent (within six weeks) major surgery or trauma; Intracranial neoplasm, arteriovenous malformation, or aneurysm; Severe uncontrolled hypertension; Presumed or documented history of vasculitis; Use of intravenous dextran before percutaneous coronary intervention, or intent to use it during an intervention.Bleeding; blurred vision; confusion; dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up from a lying or sitting position suddenly; sweating; unusual tiredness or weaknessLinkNANA
10328Th1046Abciximab>Th1046_Abciximab EVQLQQSGTVLARPGASVKMSCEASGYTFTNYWMHWVKQRPGQGLEWIGAIYPGNSDTSYIQKFKGKAKLTAVTSTTSVYMELSSLTNEDSAVYYCTLYDGYYVFAYWGQGTLVTVSAASTKGPSVFPLAPSSKSTSGGTAALGCLVKDYFPEPVTVSWNSGALTSGVHTFPAVLQSSGLYSLSSVVTVPSSSLGTQTYICNVNHKPSNTKVDKKVEPKSCDKTH 145651.1C6462H9964N1690O2049S486.16-0.42471initial half-life of less than 10 minutes and a second phase half-life of about 30 minutesAbciximab is a Fab fragment of the chimeric human-murine monoclonal antibody 7E3. Abciximab binds to the glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa receptor of human platelets and inhibits platelet aggregation by preventing the binding of fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, and other adhesive molecules. It also binds to vitronectin (αvβ3) receptor found on platelets and vessel wall endothelial and smooth muscle cells.Abciximab is indicated as an adjunct to percutaneous coronary intervention for the prevention of cardiac ischemic complications in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and in patients with unstable angina not responding to conventional medical therapy when percutaneous coronary intervention is planned within 24 hours. Abciximab is intended for use with aspirin and heparin and has been studied only in that setting.Abciximab inhibits platelet aggregation by preventing the binding of fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, and other adhesive molecules to GPIIb/IIIa receptor sites on activated platelets. A single intravenous bolus dose from 0.15 mg/kg to 0.30 mg/kg produced rapid dose-dependent inhibition of platelet function. After two hours post-injection with a dose of 0.25 - 0.30 mg/kg, 80% of the GPIIb/IIIa receptors were blocked and platelet aggregation was prevented. GPIIb/IIIa is the major surface receptor involved in the final pathway of platelet aggregation. Bleeding time increases to over 30 minutes at the aforementioned doses. To compare, baseline values were five minutes.Abciximab binds to the intact platelet GPIIb/IIIa receptor, which is a member of the integrin family of adhesion receptors and the major platelet surface receptor involved in platelet aggregation. This binding is thought to involve steric hindrance and/orconformational alterations which block access of large molecules to the receptor rather than direct interaction with the RGD (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid) binding site of GPIIb/IIIa. By binding to the vitronectin receptor (also known as the αvβ3 integrin), abciximab blocks effects mediated by this integrin which include cell adhesion. Furthermore, abciximab blocks Mac-1 receptor on monocytes and neutrophils thus inhibiting monocyte adhesion.NAMost likely removed by opsonization via the reticuloendothelial system when bound to platelets, or by human antimurine antibody production. Excreted renally.NANANAAmino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins, Antibodies, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized, Anticoagulants, Antiplatelet agents, Blood and Blood Forming Organs, Blood Proteins, Globulins, Hematologic Agents, Immunoglobulin Fab Fragments, Immunoglobulin Fragments, Immunoglobulins, Immunoproteins, Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents, Peptide Fragments, Peptides, Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors Excl. Heparin, Proteins, Serum GlobulinsNANANATirofiban has additive effects. Concomitant use is contraindicated.NANANANANANANANANANANABlack, tarry stools; bleeding gums; blood in urine or stools; pinpoint red spots on skin; unusual bleeding or bruisingLinkNANA
10329Th1046Abciximab>Th1046_Abciximab EVQLQQSGTVLARPGASVKMSCEASGYTFTNYWMHWVKQRPGQGLEWIGAIYPGNSDTSYIQKFKGKAKLTAVTSTTSVYMELSSLTNEDSAVYYCTLYDGYYVFAYWGQGTLVTVSAASTKGPSVFPLAPSSKSTSGGTAALGCLVKDYFPEPVTVSWNSGALTSGVHTFPAVLQSSGLYSLSSVVTVPSSSLGTQTYICNVNHKPSNTKVDKKVEPKSCDKTH 145651.1C6462H9964N1690O2049S486.16-0.42471initial half-life of less than 10 minutes and a second phase half-life of about 30 minutesAbciximab is a Fab fragment of the chimeric human-murine monoclonal antibody 7E3. Abciximab binds to the glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa receptor of human platelets and inhibits platelet aggregation by preventing the binding of fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, and other adhesive molecules. It also binds to vitronectin (αvβ3) receptor found on platelets and vessel wall endothelial and smooth muscle cells.Abciximab is indicated as an adjunct to percutaneous coronary intervention for the prevention of cardiac ischemic complications in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and in patients with unstable angina not responding to conventional medical therapy when percutaneous coronary intervention is planned within 24 hours. Abciximab is intended for use with aspirin and heparin and has been studied only in that setting.Abciximab inhibits platelet aggregation by preventing the binding of fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, and other adhesive molecules to GPIIb/IIIa receptor sites on activated platelets. A single intravenous bolus dose from 0.15 mg/kg to 0.30 mg/kg produced rapid dose-dependent inhibition of platelet function. After two hours post-injection with a dose of 0.25 - 0.30 mg/kg, 80% of the GPIIb/IIIa receptors were blocked and platelet aggregation was prevented. GPIIb/IIIa is the major surface receptor involved in the final pathway of platelet aggregation. Bleeding time increases to over 30 minutes at the aforementioned doses. To compare, baseline values were five minutes.Abciximab binds to the intact platelet GPIIb/IIIa receptor, which is a member of the integrin family of adhesion receptors and the major platelet surface receptor involved in platelet aggregation. This binding is thought to involve steric hindrance and/orconformational alterations which block access of large molecules to the receptor rather than direct interaction with the RGD (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid) binding site of GPIIb/IIIa. By binding to the vitronectin receptor (also known as the αvβ3 integrin), abciximab blocks effects mediated by this integrin which include cell adhesion. Furthermore, abciximab blocks Mac-1 receptor on monocytes and neutrophils thus inhibiting monocyte adhesion.NAMost likely removed by opsonization via the reticuloendothelial system when bound to platelets, or by human antimurine antibody production. Excreted renally.NANANAAmino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins, Antibodies, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized, Anticoagulants, Antiplatelet agents, Blood and Blood Forming Organs, Blood Proteins, Globulins, Hematologic Agents, Immunoglobulin Fab Fragments, Immunoglobulin Fragments, Immunoglobulins, Immunoproteins, Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents, Peptide Fragments, Peptides, Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors Excl. Heparin, Proteins, Serum GlobulinsNANANAAbciximab may increase the risk of a hypersensitivy reaction to Trastuzumab.NANANANANANANANANANANAChest pain or discomfort; chills; cough; eye pain; fever; general feeling of illness; headache; pale skin; rapid weight gain; shortness of breath; slow or irregular heartbeat; sneezing; sore throat; swelling of hands, ankles, feet, or lower legs.LinkNANA
10330Th1046Abciximab>Th1046_Abciximab EVQLQQSGTVLARPGASVKMSCEASGYTFTNYWMHWVKQRPGQGLEWIGAIYPGNSDTSYIQKFKGKAKLTAVTSTTSVYMELSSLTNEDSAVYYCTLYDGYYVFAYWGQGTLVTVSAASTKGPSVFPLAPSSKSTSGGTAALGCLVKDYFPEPVTVSWNSGALTSGVHTFPAVLQSSGLYSLSSVVTVPSSSLGTQTYICNVNHKPSNTKVDKKVEPKSCDKTH 145651.1C6462H9964N1690O2049S486.16-0.42471initial half-life of less than 10 minutes and a second phase half-life of about 30 minutesAbciximab is a Fab fragment of the chimeric human-murine monoclonal antibody 7E3. Abciximab binds to the glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa receptor of human platelets and inhibits platelet aggregation by preventing the binding of fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, and other adhesive molecules. It also binds to vitronectin (αvβ3) receptor found on platelets and vessel wall endothelial and smooth muscle cells.Abciximab is indicated as an adjunct to percutaneous coronary intervention for the prevention of cardiac ischemic complications in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and in patients with unstable angina not responding to conventional medical therapy when percutaneous coronary intervention is planned within 24 hours. Abciximab is intended for use with aspirin and heparin and has been studied only in that setting.Abciximab inhibits platelet aggregation by preventing the binding of fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, and other adhesive molecules to GPIIb/IIIa receptor sites on activated platelets. A single intravenous bolus dose from 0.15 mg/kg to 0.30 mg/kg produced rapid dose-dependent inhibition of platelet function. After two hours post-injection with a dose of 0.25 - 0.30 mg/kg, 80% of the GPIIb/IIIa receptors were blocked and platelet aggregation was prevented. GPIIb/IIIa is the major surface receptor involved in the final pathway of platelet aggregation. Bleeding time increases to over 30 minutes at the aforementioned doses. To compare, baseline values were five minutes.Abciximab binds to the intact platelet GPIIb/IIIa receptor, which is a member of the integrin family of adhesion receptors and the major platelet surface receptor involved in platelet aggregation. This binding is thought to involve steric hindrance and/orconformational alterations which block access of large molecules to the receptor rather than direct interaction with the RGD (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid) binding site of GPIIb/IIIa. By binding to the vitronectin receptor (also known as the αvβ3 integrin), abciximab blocks effects mediated by this integrin which include cell adhesion. Furthermore, abciximab blocks Mac-1 receptor on monocytes and neutrophils thus inhibiting monocyte adhesion.NAMost likely removed by opsonization via the reticuloendothelial system when bound to platelets, or by human antimurine antibody production. Excreted renally.NANANAAmino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins, Antibodies, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized, Anticoagulants, Antiplatelet agents, Blood and Blood Forming Organs, Blood Proteins, Globulins, Hematologic Agents, Immunoglobulin Fab Fragments, Immunoglobulin Fragments, Immunoglobulins, Immunoproteins, Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents, Peptide Fragments, Peptides, Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors Excl. Heparin, Proteins, Serum GlobulinsNANANAThe prostacyclin analogue, Treprostinil, increases the risk of bleeding when combined with the antiplatelet agent, Abciximab. Monitor for increased bleeding during concomitant thearpy.NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA
10881Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins133904727-05-199727-05-2014Cyclophosphamide,Nandrolone phenpropionate,Nandrolone decanoate,Nandrolone,Ramipril,Fosinopril,Trandolapril,Benazepril,Enalapril,Moexipril,Lisinopril,Perindopril,Quinapril,Omapatrilat,Rescinnamine,Captopril,Cilazapril,Spirapril,Temocapril,Enalaprilat,Imidapril,Zofenopril,Delapril,Benazeprilat,Fosinoprilat,Ramiprilat,Trandolaprilat,Moexiprilat,Perindoprilat,Quinaprilat,Quinoline Yellow WS,Cilazaprilat,Vindesine,Vinorelbine,Vincristine,Vinblastine,Vintafolide,Vinflunine,Vincamine,Lenalidomide,Thalidomide,Pomalidomide,Cetuximab,Denileukin diftitox,Leuprolide,Peginterferon alfa-2a,Goserelin,Asparaginase Escherichia coli,Aldesleukin,Gemtuzumab ozogamicin,Pegaspargase,Trastuzumab,Rituximab,Tositumomab,Alemtuzumab,Octreotide,Interferon alfa-2b,Bevacizumab,Masoprocol,Bortezomib,Pipobroman,Cladribine,Cabergoline,Anagrelide,Carmustine,Chlorotrianisene,Amsacrine,Pamidronic acid,Bleomycin,Chlorambucil,Raltitrexed,Mitomycin,Bexarotene,Valproic acid,Gefitinib,Floxuridine,Megestrol acetate,Tioguanine,Aminoglutethimide,Valrubicin,Sorafenib,Streptozocin,Trifluridine,Gemcitabine,Teniposide,Epirubicin,Altretamine,Flutamide,Cisplatin,Alitretinoin,Oxaliplatin,Erlotinib,Toremifene,Fluorouracil,Pentostatin,Methotrexate,Medroxyprogesterone acetate,Imatinib,Clofarabine,Prednisone,Pemetrexed,Mitotane,Nilutamide,Tamoxifen,Daunorubicin,Porfimer sodium,Tretinoin,Irinotecan,Etoposide,Uracil mustard,Dacarbazine,Temozolomide,Aminolevulinic acid,Prednisolone,Mechlorethamine,Testolactone,Azacitidine,Fulvestrant,Carboplatin,Methylprednisolone,Dactinomycin,Cytarabine,Exemestane,Doxorubicin,Hydroxyurea,Letrozole,Busulfan,Topotecan,Mercaptopurine,Melphalan,Fludarabine,Capecitabine,Trilostane,Bicalutamide,Trimetrexate,Procarbazine,Arsenic trioxide,Idarubicin,Ifosfamide,Estramustine,Mitoxantrone,Lomustine,Anastrozole,Paclitaxel,Dexamethasone,Docetaxel,Dasatinib,Lapatinib,Decitabine,Sunitinib,Panitumumab,Nelarabine,Everolimus,Genistein,8-azaguanine,Epothilone D,7-Hydroxystaurosporine,Hadacidin,2-Methoxyestradiol,Geldanamycin,Vorinostat,Fumagillin,Patupilone,Tubercidin,Sparfosic acid,Alvocidib,2-(4-Chlorophenyl)-5-Quinoxalinecarboxamide,Brequinar,Piritrexim,Rhodamine 6G,Batimastat,3,4-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid,Fotemustine,Sparsomycin,Tretazicar,Seocalcitol,Monastrol,Nebularine,Afimoxifene,Thiotepa,Fleroxacin,Metoprine,Camptothecin,Suramin,Urethane,Cyproterone acetate,Ixabepilone,Cediranib,Tirapazamine,Omacetaxine mepesuccinate,Halofuginone,Nilotinib,Vapreotide,Thymalfasin,Galiximab,Sitimagene ceradenovec,Ranpirnase,Pirfenidone,Epratuzumab,Tipifarnib,Troxacitabine,Oregovomab,Banoxantrone,Plitidepsin,Satraplatin,Belinostat,Amonafide,Fenretinide,Tetrathiomolybdate,Labetuzumab,Trabectedin,Elsamitrucin,Bavituximab,Pracinostat,Cobimetinib,Gallium nitrate,Ecabet,Vandetanib,Rindopepimut,Canertinib,Motexafin gadolinium,7-ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin,Pelitinib,Alanosine,Ramucirumab,Farletuzumab,Veltuzumab,Palifosfamide,Trabedersen,Trastuzumab emtansine,Oglufanide,Irofulven,Abiraterone,Inotuzumab ozogamicin,KOS-1584,CT-011,Transcrocetinate,Glembatumumab vedotin,Aldoxorubicin,AV-412,Filanesib,Olaratumab,Rubitecan,Garenoxacin,Plevitrexed,Paclitaxel trevatide,Romidepsin,IMO-2055,Ipilimumab,Nimotuzumab,Pixantrone,Seliciclib,Atrasentan,Ridaforolimus,Vadimezan,Exisulind,Amrubicin,Lonidamine,Maxacalcitol,Temsirolimus,Elotuzumab,Tucidinostat,Sapacitabine,Pertuzumab,Indisulam,Annamycin,Endostatin,Tezacitabine,Semaxanib,Diethylnorspermine,Squalamine,Porfiromycin,MLN576,Pazopanib,Midostaurin,Panobinostat,Catumaxomab,Bosutinib,Axitinib,Volociximab,Ofatumumab,Degarelix,Methyltestosterone,Buserelin,Ginsenoside C,Bendamustine,Cabazitaxel,Hydroxyprogesterone caproate,Lanreotide,Plicamycin,Pralatrexate,Triptorelin,Veliparib,Hexestrol,Nocodazole,Puromycin,Efaproxiral,TNP-470,Vismodegib,Crizotinib,Brentuximab vedotin,Eribulin,Cabozantinib,Ruxolitinib,Vemurafenib,Asparaginase Erwinia chrysanthemi,Carfilzomib,Regorafenib,Enzalutamide,Ponatinib,Formestane,Trametinib,Dabrafenib,Radium Ra 223 dichloride,Afatinib,Obinutuzumab,Flumequine,Carmofur,Miltefosine,Nivolumab,Siltuximab,Pembrolizumab,Blinatumomab,Ibrutinib,Idelalisib,Ceritinib,Palbociclib,Olaparib,Dinutuximab,Lenvatinib,Nintedanib,Dienogest,Sonidegib,Niguldipine,Tegafur,Artesunate,Silibinin,Osimertinib,Daratumumab,Necitumumab,Ixazomib,Alectinib,Roquinimex,Masitinib,Venetoclax,Atezolizumab,Pirarubicin,Aclarubicin,Zorubicin,Temoporfin,Conatumumab,Dactolisib,Rabusertib,Ortataxel,Treosulfan,2-chloroethyl-3-sarcosinamide-1-nitrosourea,Ilorasertib,Durvalumab,Misonidazole,Epacadostat,Encorafenib,Endostar,Ribociclib,Icotinib,Bryostatin 1,Talazoparib,Tremelimumab,Niraparib,GSK-2636771,Tivozanib,Saracatinib,Talaporfin,Neratinib,Mocetinostat,Crenolanib,Entinostat,Acridine Carboxamide,Infigratinib,CUDC-907,Efatutazone,Apalutamide,Rociletinib,Guadecitabine,6-O-benzylguanine,Avelumab,Carboxyamidotriazole,Dacomitinib,Binimetinib,Rilotumumab,Tesevatinib,Glasdegib,Entrectinib,Vosaroxin,Abemaciclib,Alpelisib,Triptolide,Broxuridine,Naquotinib,Trebananib,Anecortave,Vesnarinone,Mafosfamide,LCL-161,Lorvotuzumab mertansine,Taselisib,Namitecan,Lorlatinib,Gilteritinib,Duligotuzumab,Rigosertib,Erdafitinib,Cordycepin,CUDC-101,Binetrakin,Exatecan,Zalutumumab,Lurtotecan,KRN-7000,Platinum,CG-200745,Epofolate,Brigatinib,OBP-801,Rucaparib,Navitoclax,Bizelesin,Ricolinostat,Indirubin,Merestinib,R-306465,10-hydroxycamptothecin,Sagopilone,Sulforaphane,Belotecan,Taurolidine,Copanlisib,Mogamulizumab,9-aminocamptothecin,Molgramostim,Oltipraz,Pyrazoloacridine,Abexinostat,Fosbretabulin,Dacetuzumab,Apaziquone,Combretastatin,Mizoribine,Onapristone,PU-H71,Givinostat,Beloranib,Soblidotin,Salirasib,Moxetumomab pasudotox,Gusperimus,Phenethyl Isothiocyanate,Methylselenocysteine,Intetumumab,Dolastatin 10,Etanidazole,Lometrexol,Ecromeximab,Prednimustine,Buthionine sulfoximine,Dianhydrogalactitol,Indole-3-carbinol,Fiacitabine,Trofosfamide,Nolatrexed,Mitolactol,Pinometostat,Doxifluridine,Didox,Mitoguazone,Pexidartinib,Penclomedine,Deoxyspergualin,Acteoside,Rebastinib,Hypericin,Tocladesine,Liarozole,Nimustine,X-396,Sizofiran,Nedaplatin,Olmutinib,Daidzein,Tiazofurine,Triaziquone,Demecolcine,Mannosulfan,Etoglucid,Edrecolomab,Lentinan,Mitobronitol,Oxolinic acid,Semustine,Carboquone,Vorozole,Paclitaxel poliglumex,Oblimersen,Ranimustine,Enasidenib,Iniparib,Talimogene laherparepvec,Coumermycin A1,Toyocamycin,Tretamine,Tetrandrine,Dofequidar,Dexniguldipine,Ivosidenib,Methylprednisolone hemisuccinate,Prednisone acetate,Combretastatin A4,Cemiplimab,Larotrectinib,Tagraxofusp,Rivoceranib,AZD-5991,ONC-201,Ensartinib,Human interleukin-2,Lintuzumab,Bermekimab,Etirinotecan pegol,Zanubrutinib,NUC-1031,Voruciclib,KRN-5500,Perillyl alcohol,Tefinostat,Biochanin A,Dihematoporphyrin ether,SOR-C13,Pidilizumab,Nanatinostat,Tallimustine,Volasertib,Isatuximab,Pemigatinib,Capmatinib,Selpercatinib,Brexucabtagene autoleucel,Pralsetinib,Selinexor,Fedratinib,Polatuzumab vedotin,Axicabtagene ciloleucel,Tucatinib,Darolutamide,Tepotinib,Lisocabtagene maraleucel,Umbralisib,Idecabtagene vicleucel,Dostarlimab,5'-S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine,Trichostatin A,Talactoferrin alfa,Quizartinib,Ripretinib,Edodekin alfa,Droloxifene,Abagovomab,Magrolimab,Nazartinib,Pegylated Recombinant Human Arginase I,Inbakicept,Tisagenlecleucel,Trastuzumab deruxtecan,Belzutifan,Curcumin,Tisotumab vedotinErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous1000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10882Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].Antianemic PreparationsNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10883Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].Biological FactorsNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous3000 IU/0.3mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10884Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].Blood and Blood Forming OrgansNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 IU/0.4mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10885Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].CarbohydratesNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous5000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10886Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].Colony-Stimulating FactorsNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous6000 IU/0.6mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10887Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].CytokinesNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous8000 IU/0.8mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10888Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].Erythropoiesis-Stimulating AgentsNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10889Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].Erythropoietin, geneticsNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous7000 IU/0.7mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10890Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].GlycoconjugatesNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous9000 IU/0.9mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10891Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].GlycoproteinsNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10892Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].HematinicsNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous30000 IU/0.75mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10893Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].Hematologic AgentsNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous40000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10894Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].Hematopoietic Cell Growth FactorsNANANANAErythropoietin receptorAbseamedMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgMedice Arzneimittel Pütter Gmb H Co. KgIntravenous; Subcutaneous40000 IU/1mlNAThe most common side effects with Abseamed (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Abseamed contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Abseamed is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Abseamed is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Abseamed is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10895Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].Increased Erythroid Cell ProductionNANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous1000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10896Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].Intercellular Signaling Peptides and ProteinsNANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10897Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].PeptidesNANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous3000 IU/0.3mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10898Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].ProteinsNANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 IU/0.4mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10899Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous5000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10900Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous6000 IU/0.6mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10901Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous8000 IU/0.8mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10902Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10903Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous7000 IU/0.7mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10904Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous9000 IU/0.9mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10905Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10906Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous30000 IU/0.75mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10907Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous40000 IU/1mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10908Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBinocritSandozSandozIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 IU/1mlNAThe most common side effects with Binocrit (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick),diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment. Binocrit contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Binocrit is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Binocrit is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Binocrit is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10909Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBiopoinTevaTevaIntravenous; Subcutaneous1000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Biopoin (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness.The active substance in Biopoin, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Biopoin works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Biopoin is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10910Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBiopoinTevaTevaIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Biopoin (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness.The active substance in Biopoin, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Biopoin works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Biopoin is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10911Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBiopoinTevaTevaIntravenous; Subcutaneous3000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Biopoin (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness.The active substance in Biopoin, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Biopoin works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Biopoin is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10912Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBiopoinTevaTevaIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Biopoin (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness.The active substance in Biopoin, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Biopoin works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Biopoin is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10913Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBiopoinTevaTevaIntravenous; Subcutaneous5000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Biopoin (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness.The active substance in Biopoin, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Biopoin works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Biopoin is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10914Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBiopoinTevaTevaIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Biopoin (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness.The active substance in Biopoin, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Biopoin works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Biopoin is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10915Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBiopoinTevaTevaIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Biopoin (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness.The active substance in Biopoin, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Biopoin works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Biopoin is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10916Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorBiopoinTevaTevaIntravenous; Subcutaneous30000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Biopoin (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness.The active substance in Biopoin, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Biopoin works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Biopoin is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10917Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous1000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10918Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10919Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous3000 IU/0.3mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10920Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 IU/0.4mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10921Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous5000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10922Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous6000 IU/0.6mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10923Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous8000 IU/0.8mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10924Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10925Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous7000 IU/0.7mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10926Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous9000 IU/0.9mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10927Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10928Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous30000 IU/0.75mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10929Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous40000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10930Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpoetin Alfa HexalHexal AgHexal AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous40000 IU/1mlNAThe most common side effects with Epoetin Alfa Hexal (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and headache. Flu-like illness may occur especially at the start of treatment.Epoetin Alfa Hexal contains the active substance epoetin alfa and is a ‘biosimilar medicine’. This means that Epoetin Alfa Hexal is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Epoetin Alfa Hexal is Eprex/ treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with ‘chronic kidney failure’ (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy for certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that can be taken in adult patients with moderate anaemia and normal blood iron levels who are going to have an operation and donate their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion); to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to undergo major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Epoetin Alfa Hexal is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10931Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpogenAmgenAmgenIntravenous; Subcutaneous40000 1/1mLEpogen is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with Epogen or other erythropoietin protein drugs [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Serious allergic reactions to Epogen [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Epogen from multiple-dose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and lactating women [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS, Use In Specific Populations].headache, body aches, diarrhea, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough), joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, dizziness, depression, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, or injection site reactions (pain, tenderness, or irritation).Epogen is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Epogen is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Epogen is indicated for the treatment of anemia due to chronic kidney disease (CKD), including patients on dialysis and not on dialysis to decrease the need for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10932Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpogenAMGEN INCAMGEN INCIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 [iU]/1mLEpogen is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with Epogen or other erythropoietin protein drugs [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Serious allergic reactions to Epogen [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Epogen from multiple-dose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and lactating women [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS, Use In Specific Populations].headache, body aches, diarrhea, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough), joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, dizziness, depression, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, or injection site reactions (pain, tenderness, or irritation).Epogen is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Epogen is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Epogen is indicated for the treatment of anemia due to chronic kidney disease (CKD), including patients on dialysis and not on dialysis to decrease the need for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10933Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpogenAMGEN INCAMGEN INCIntravenous; Subcutaneous3000 [iU]/1mLEpogen is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with Epogen or other erythropoietin protein drugs [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Serious allergic reactions to Epogen [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Epogen from multiple-dose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and lactating women [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS, Use In Specific Populations].headache, body aches, diarrhea, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough), joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, dizziness, depression, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, or injection site reactions (pain, tenderness, or irritation).Epogen is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Epogen is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Epogen is indicated for the treatment of anemia due to chronic kidney disease (CKD), including patients on dialysis and not on dialysis to decrease the need for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10934Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpogenAMGEN INCAMGEN INCIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 [iU]/1mLEpogen is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with Epogen or other erythropoietin protein drugs [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Serious allergic reactions to Epogen [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Epogen from multiple-dose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and lactating women [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS, Use In Specific Populations].headache, body aches, diarrhea, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough), joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, dizziness, depression, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, or injection site reactions (pain, tenderness, or irritation).Epogen is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Epogen is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Epogen is indicated for the treatment of anemia due to chronic kidney disease (CKD), including patients on dialysis and not on dialysis to decrease the need for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10935Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpogenAMGEN INCAMGEN INCIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 [iU]/1mLEpogen is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with Epogen or other erythropoietin protein drugs [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Serious allergic reactions to Epogen [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Epogen from multiple-dose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and lactating women [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS, Use In Specific Populations].headache, body aches, diarrhea, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough), joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, dizziness, depression, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, or injection site reactions (pain, tenderness, or irritation).Epogen is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Epogen is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Epogen is indicated for the treatment of anemia due to chronic kidney disease (CKD), including patients on dialysis and not on dialysis to decrease the need for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10936Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEpogenAMGEN INCAMGEN INCIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 [iU]/1mLEpogen is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with Epogen or other erythropoietin protein drugs [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Serious allergic reactions to Epogen [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] Epogen from multiple-dose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and lactating women [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS, Use In Specific Populations].headache, body aches, diarrhea, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough), joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, dizziness, depression, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, or injection site reactions (pain, tenderness, or irritation).Epogen is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Epogen is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Epogen is indicated for the treatment of anemia due to chronic kidney disease (CKD), including patients on dialysis and not on dialysis to decrease the need for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10937Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEporatioRatiopharm IncRatiopharm IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous1000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Eporatio (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness. The active substance in Eporatio, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Eporatio works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red-blood-cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Eporatio is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10938Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEporatioRatiopharm IncRatiopharm IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Eporatio (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness. The active substance in Eporatio, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Eporatio works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red-blood-cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Eporatio is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10939Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEporatioRatiopharm IncRatiopharm IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous3000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Eporatio (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness. The active substance in Eporatio, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Eporatio works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red-blood-cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Eporatio is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10940Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEporatioRatiopharm IncRatiopharm IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Eporatio (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness. The active substance in Eporatio, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Eporatio works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red-blood-cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Eporatio is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10941Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEporatioRatiopharm IncRatiopharm IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous5000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Eporatio (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness. The active substance in Eporatio, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Eporatio works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red-blood-cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Eporatio is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10942Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEporatioRatiopharm IncRatiopharm IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Eporatio (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness. The active substance in Eporatio, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Eporatio works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red-blood-cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Eporatio is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10943Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEporatioRatiopharm IncRatiopharm IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Eporatio (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness. The active substance in Eporatio, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Eporatio works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red-blood-cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Eporatio is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10944Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEporatioRatiopharm IncRatiopharm IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous30000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Eporatio (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are shunt thrombosis (clots that can form in blood vessels of patients on dialysis, a blood clearance technique), headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertensive crisis (sudden, dangerously high blood pressure), skin reactions, arthralgia (joint pain) and influenza (flu)-like illness. The active substance in Eporatio, epoetin theta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with kidney problems, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin theta in Eporatio works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red-blood-cell production. It is produced by a method known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’: it is made by a cell that has received a gene (DNA), which makes it able to produce epoetin theta.Eporatio is used to treat anaemia (low levels of red blood cells or haemoglobin) that is causing symptoms. It is used in adults with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly) and in adults with non-myeloid cancer (cancer not originating in the bone marrow) who are receiving chemotherapy (medicines to treat cancer).potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10945Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile SolutionJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 unit / 0.5 mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10946Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile SolutionJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous30000 unit / 0.75 mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10947Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 10000iu/1.0mlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 unit / mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10948Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 10000iu/mlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 unit / mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10949Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 1000iu/0.5mlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous1000 unit / 0.5 mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10950Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 20000iu/mlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 unit / mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10951Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 2000iu/0.5mlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 unit / 0.5 mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10952Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 2000iu/mlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 unit / mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10953Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 3000iu/0.3mlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous3000 unit / 0.3 mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10954Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 40000iu/mlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous40000 unit / mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10955Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 4000iu/0.4mlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 unit / 0.4 mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10956Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 4000iu/mlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 unit / mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10957Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 5000iu/0.5mlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous5000 unit / 0.5 mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10958Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 6000 Iu/0.6 MlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous6000 unit / 0.6 mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10959Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorEprex Sterile Solution 8000 Iu/0.8 MlJanssen PharmaceuticalsJanssen PharmaceuticalsIntravenous; Subcutaneous8000 unit / 0.8 mLNAheadache joint or muscle aches, pain, or soreness nausea vomiting weight loss sores in the mouth difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep depression muscle spasms runny nose, sneezing, and congestion fever, cough, or chills redness, swelling, pain, or itching at the injection spotEpoetin alfa injection products come as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (just under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein). It is usually injected one to three times weekly. When epoetin alfa injection products are used to decrease the risk that blood transfusions will be required due to surgery, it is sometimes injected once daily for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery and for 4 days after surgery. Alternatively, epoetin alfa injection products are sometimes injected once weekly, beginning 3 weeks before surgery and on the day of surgery.Epoetin alfa injection products are used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic kidney failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa injection products are also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10960Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorNeorecormonRoche Registration Gmb HRoche Registration Gmb HIntravenous; Subcutaneous50000 IUNAThe types of side effects seen with NeoRecormon depend on the cause of the patient’s anaemia. The most common side effects (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are hypertension (high blood pressure), headache and thromboembolic events (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels).The active substance in NeoRecormon, epoetin beta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with chronic renal failure, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin beta in NeoRecormon works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production.NeoRecormon is used in the following situations: to treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in adults and children with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly); to prevent anaemia in premature babies; to treat anaemia that is causing symptoms in adults who are receiving chemotherapy for ‘non-myeloid’ cancer (cancer that does not affect the bone marrow); to increase the amount of blood that can be taken from adult patients with moderate anaemia who are going to have an operation and need to have a supply of their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion).This is only done when blood storage procedures are not available or are insufficient because the surgery requires a large volume of blood.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10961Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorNeorecormonRoche Registration Gmb HRoche Registration Gmb HIntravenous; Subcutaneous500 IUNAThe types of side effects seen with NeoRecormon depend on the cause of the patient’s anaemia. The most common side effects (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are hypertension (high blood pressure), headache and thromboembolic events (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels).The active substance in NeoRecormon, epoetin beta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with chronic renal failure, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin beta in NeoRecormon works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production.NeoRecormon is used in the following situations: to treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in adults and children with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly); to prevent anaemia in premature babies; to treat anaemia that is causing symptoms in adults who are receiving chemotherapy for ‘non-myeloid’ cancer (cancer that does not affect the bone marrow); to increase the amount of blood that can be taken from adult patients with moderate anaemia who are going to have an operation and need to have a supply of their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion).This is only done when blood storage procedures are not available or are insufficient because the surgery requires a large volume of blood.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10962Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorNeorecormonRoche Registration Gmb HRoche Registration Gmb HIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 IUNAThe types of side effects seen with NeoRecormon depend on the cause of the patient’s anaemia. The most common side effects (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are hypertension (high blood pressure), headache and thromboembolic events (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels).The active substance in NeoRecormon, epoetin beta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with chronic renal failure, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin beta in NeoRecormon works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production.NeoRecormon is used in the following situations: to treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in adults and children with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly); to prevent anaemia in premature babies; to treat anaemia that is causing symptoms in adults who are receiving chemotherapy for ‘non-myeloid’ cancer (cancer that does not affect the bone marrow); to increase the amount of blood that can be taken from adult patients with moderate anaemia who are going to have an operation and need to have a supply of their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion).This is only done when blood storage procedures are not available or are insufficient because the surgery requires a large volume of blood.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10963Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorNeorecormonRoche Registration Gmb HRoche Registration Gmb HIntravenous; Subcutaneous3000 IUNAThe types of side effects seen with NeoRecormon depend on the cause of the patient’s anaemia. The most common side effects (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are hypertension (high blood pressure), headache and thromboembolic events (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels).The active substance in NeoRecormon, epoetin beta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with chronic renal failure, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin beta in NeoRecormon works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production.NeoRecormon is used in the following situations: to treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in adults and children with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly); to prevent anaemia in premature babies; to treat anaemia that is causing symptoms in adults who are receiving chemotherapy for ‘non-myeloid’ cancer (cancer that does not affect the bone marrow); to increase the amount of blood that can be taken from adult patients with moderate anaemia who are going to have an operation and need to have a supply of their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion).This is only done when blood storage procedures are not available or are insufficient because the surgery requires a large volume of blood.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10964Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorNeorecormonRoche Registration Gmb HRoche Registration Gmb HIntravenous; Subcutaneous5000 IUNAThe types of side effects seen with NeoRecormon depend on the cause of the patient’s anaemia. The most common side effects (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are hypertension (high blood pressure), headache and thromboembolic events (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels).The active substance in NeoRecormon, epoetin beta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with chronic renal failure, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin beta in NeoRecormon works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production.NeoRecormon is used in the following situations: to treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in adults and children with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly); to prevent anaemia in premature babies; to treat anaemia that is causing symptoms in adults who are receiving chemotherapy for ‘non-myeloid’ cancer (cancer that does not affect the bone marrow); to increase the amount of blood that can be taken from adult patients with moderate anaemia who are going to have an operation and need to have a supply of their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion).This is only done when blood storage procedures are not available or are insufficient because the surgery requires a large volume of blood.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10965Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorNeorecormonRoche Registration Gmb HRoche Registration Gmb HIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 IUNAThe types of side effects seen with NeoRecormon depend on the cause of the patient’s anaemia. The most common side effects (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are hypertension (high blood pressure), headache and thromboembolic events (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels).The active substance in NeoRecormon, epoetin beta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with chronic renal failure, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin beta in NeoRecormon works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production.NeoRecormon is used in the following situations: to treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in adults and children with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly); to prevent anaemia in premature babies; to treat anaemia that is causing symptoms in adults who are receiving chemotherapy for ‘non-myeloid’ cancer (cancer that does not affect the bone marrow); to increase the amount of blood that can be taken from adult patients with moderate anaemia who are going to have an operation and need to have a supply of their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion).This is only done when blood storage procedures are not available or are insufficient because the surgery requires a large volume of blood.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10966Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorNeorecormonRoche Registration Gmb HRoche Registration Gmb HIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 IUNAThe types of side effects seen with NeoRecormon depend on the cause of the patient’s anaemia. The most common side effects (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are hypertension (high blood pressure), headache and thromboembolic events (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels).The active substance in NeoRecormon, epoetin beta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with chronic renal failure, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin beta in NeoRecormon works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production.NeoRecormon is used in the following situations: to treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in adults and children with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly); to prevent anaemia in premature babies; to treat anaemia that is causing symptoms in adults who are receiving chemotherapy for ‘non-myeloid’ cancer (cancer that does not affect the bone marrow); to increase the amount of blood that can be taken from adult patients with moderate anaemia who are going to have an operation and need to have a supply of their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion).This is only done when blood storage procedures are not available or are insufficient because the surgery requires a large volume of blood.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10967Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorNeorecormonRoche Registration Gmb HRoche Registration Gmb HIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 IUNAThe types of side effects seen with NeoRecormon depend on the cause of the patient’s anaemia. The most common side effects (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are hypertension (high blood pressure), headache and thromboembolic events (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels).The active substance in NeoRecormon, epoetin beta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with chronic renal failure, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin beta in NeoRecormon works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production.NeoRecormon is used in the following situations: to treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in adults and children with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly); to prevent anaemia in premature babies; to treat anaemia that is causing symptoms in adults who are receiving chemotherapy for ‘non-myeloid’ cancer (cancer that does not affect the bone marrow); to increase the amount of blood that can be taken from adult patients with moderate anaemia who are going to have an operation and need to have a supply of their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion).This is only done when blood storage procedures are not available or are insufficient because the surgery requires a large volume of blood.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10968Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorNeorecormonRoche Registration Gmb HRoche Registration Gmb HIntravenous; Subcutaneous6000 IUNAThe types of side effects seen with NeoRecormon depend on the cause of the patient’s anaemia. The most common side effects (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are hypertension (high blood pressure), headache and thromboembolic events (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels).The active substance in NeoRecormon, epoetin beta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with chronic renal failure, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin beta in NeoRecormon works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production.NeoRecormon is used in the following situations: to treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in adults and children with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly); to prevent anaemia in premature babies; to treat anaemia that is causing symptoms in adults who are receiving chemotherapy for ‘non-myeloid’ cancer (cancer that does not affect the bone marrow); to increase the amount of blood that can be taken from adult patients with moderate anaemia who are going to have an operation and need to have a supply of their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion).This is only done when blood storage procedures are not available or are insufficient because the surgery requires a large volume of blood.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10969Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorNeorecormonRoche Registration Gmb HRoche Registration Gmb HIntravenous; Subcutaneous30000 IUNAThe types of side effects seen with NeoRecormon depend on the cause of the patient’s anaemia. The most common side effects (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are hypertension (high blood pressure), headache and thromboembolic events (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels).The active substance in NeoRecormon, epoetin beta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with chronic renal failure, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin beta in NeoRecormon works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production.NeoRecormon is used in the following situations: to treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in adults and children with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly); to prevent anaemia in premature babies; to treat anaemia that is causing symptoms in adults who are receiving chemotherapy for ‘non-myeloid’ cancer (cancer that does not affect the bone marrow); to increase the amount of blood that can be taken from adult patients with moderate anaemia who are going to have an operation and need to have a supply of their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion).This is only done when blood storage procedures are not available or are insufficient because the surgery requires a large volume of blood.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10970Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorNeorecormon GuardRoche Registration Gmb HRoche Registration Gmb HIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 IUNAThe types of side effects seen with NeoRecormon depend on the cause of the patient’s anaemia. The most common side effects (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are hypertension (high blood pressure), headache and thromboembolic events (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels).The active substance in NeoRecormon, epoetin beta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with chronic renal failure, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin beta in NeoRecormon works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production.NeoRecormon is used in the following situations: to treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in adults and children with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly); to prevent anaemia in premature babies; to treat anaemia that is causing symptoms in adults who are receiving chemotherapy for ‘non-myeloid’ cancer (cancer that does not affect the bone marrow); to increase the amount of blood that can be taken from adult patients with moderate anaemia who are going to have an operation and need to have a supply of their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion).This is only done when blood storage procedures are not available or are insufficient because the surgery requires a large volume of blood.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10971Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorNeorecormon GuardRoche Registration Gmb HRoche Registration Gmb HIntravenous; Subcutaneous30000 IUNAThe types of side effects seen with NeoRecormon depend on the cause of the patient’s anaemia. The most common side effects (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are hypertension (high blood pressure), headache and thromboembolic events (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels).The active substance in NeoRecormon, epoetin beta, is a copy of a human hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. In patients receiving chemotherapy or with chronic renal failure, anaemia can be caused by a lack of erythropoietin, or by the body not responding enough to the erythropoietin it has naturally. The epoetin beta in NeoRecormon works in the body in the same way as the natural hormone to stimulate red blood cell production.NeoRecormon is used in the following situations: to treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in adults and children with chronic renal failure (long-term, progressive decrease in the ability of the kidneys to work properly); to prevent anaemia in premature babies; to treat anaemia that is causing symptoms in adults who are receiving chemotherapy for ‘non-myeloid’ cancer (cancer that does not affect the bone marrow); to increase the amount of blood that can be taken from adult patients with moderate anaemia who are going to have an operation and need to have a supply of their own blood before surgery (autologous blood transfusion).This is only done when blood storage procedures are not available or are insufficient because the surgery requires a large volume of blood.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
10972Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorProcritPhysicians Total Care, Inc.Physicians Total Care, Inc.Intravenous; Subcutaneous10000 [iU]/1mLPROCRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with PROCRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to PROCRIT PROCRIT from multidose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Benzyl alcohol has been associated with serious adverse events and death, particularly in pediatric patients. When therapy with PROCRIT is needed in neonates and infants, use single-dose vials; do not admix with bacteriostatic saline containing benzyl alcohol high blood pressure (hypertension), headache, joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, body aches, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, swelling, fatigue, dizziness, depression, diarrhea, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), pain/tenderness/irritation where Procrit is injected, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat).Procrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Procrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Procrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Anemia caused by Chemotherapy, Chronic Kidney Disease and Zidovudine used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Procrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolPROCRIT (epoetin alfa) is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10973Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed K974by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorProcritPhysicians Total Care, Inc.Physicians Total Care, Inc.Intravenous; Subcutaneous40000 [iU]/1mLPROCRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with PROCRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to PROCRIT PROCRIT from multidose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Benzyl alcohol has been associated with serious adverse events and death, particularly in pediatric patients. When therapy with PROCRIT is needed in neonates and infants, use single-dose vials; do not admix with bacteriostatic saline containing benzyl alcohol high blood pressure (hypertension), headache, joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, body aches, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, swelling, fatigue, dizziness, depression, diarrhea, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), pain/tenderness/irritation where Procrit is injected, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat).Procrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Procrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Procrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Anemia caused by Chemotherapy, Chronic Kidney Disease and Zidovudine used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Procrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolPROCRIT (epoetin alfa) is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10974Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorProcritPhysicians Total Care, Inc.Physicians Total Care, Inc.Intravenous; Subcutaneous20000 [iU]/1mLPROCRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with PROCRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to PROCRIT PROCRIT from multidose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Benzyl alcohol has been associated with serious adverse events and death, particularly in pediatric patients. When therapy with PROCRIT is needed in neonates and infants, use single-dose vials; do not admix with bacteriostatic saline containing benzyl alcohol high blood pressure (hypertension), headache, joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, body aches, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, swelling, fatigue, dizziness, depression, diarrhea, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), pain/tenderness/irritation where Procrit is injected, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat).Procrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Procrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Procrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Anemia caused by Chemotherapy, Chronic Kidney Disease and Zidovudine used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Procrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolPROCRIT (epoetin alfa) is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10975Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorProcritJanssen Products, LPJanssen Products, LPIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 [iU]/1mLPROCRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with PROCRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to PROCRIT PROCRIT from multidose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Benzyl alcohol has been associated with serious adverse events and death, particularly in pediatric patients. When therapy with PROCRIT is needed in neonates and infants, use single-dose vials; do not admix with bacteriostatic saline containing benzyl alcohol high blood pressure (hypertension), headache, joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, body aches, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, swelling, fatigue, dizziness, depression, diarrhea, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), pain/tenderness/irritation where Procrit is injected, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat).Procrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Procrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Procrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Anemia caused by Chemotherapy, Chronic Kidney Disease and Zidovudine used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Procrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolPROCRIT (epoetin alfa) is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10976Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorProcritJanssen Products, LPJanssen Products, LPIntravenous; Subcutaneous3000 [iU]/1mLPROCRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with PROCRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to PROCRIT PROCRIT from multidose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Benzyl alcohol has been associated with serious adverse events and death, particularly in pediatric patients. When therapy with PROCRIT is needed in neonates and infants, use single-dose vials; do not admix with bacteriostatic saline containing benzyl alcohol high blood pressure (hypertension), headache, joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, body aches, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, swelling, fatigue, dizziness, depression, diarrhea, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), pain/tenderness/irritation where Procrit is injected, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat).Procrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Procrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Procrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Anemia caused by Chemotherapy, Chronic Kidney Disease and Zidovudine used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Procrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolPROCRIT (epoetin alfa) is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10977Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorProcritJanssen Products, LPJanssen Products, LPIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 [iU]/1mLPROCRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with PROCRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to PROCRIT PROCRIT from multidose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Benzyl alcohol has been associated with serious adverse events and death, particularly in pediatric patients. When therapy with PROCRIT is needed in neonates and infants, use single-dose vials; do not admix with bacteriostatic saline containing benzyl alcohol high blood pressure (hypertension), headache, joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, body aches, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, swelling, fatigue, dizziness, depression, diarrhea, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), pain/tenderness/irritation where Procrit is injected, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat).Procrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Procrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Procrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Anemia caused by Chemotherapy, Chronic Kidney Disease and Zidovudine used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Procrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolPROCRIT (epoetin alfa) is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10978Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorProcritJanssen Products, LPJanssen Products, LPIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 [iU]/1mLPROCRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with PROCRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to PROCRIT PROCRIT from multidose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Benzyl alcohol has been associated with serious adverse events and death, particularly in pediatric patients. When therapy with PROCRIT is needed in neonates and infants, use single-dose vials; do not admix with bacteriostatic saline containing benzyl alcohol high blood pressure (hypertension), headache, joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, body aches, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, swelling, fatigue, dizziness, depression, diarrhea, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), pain/tenderness/irritation where Procrit is injected, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat).Procrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Procrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Procrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Anemia caused by Chemotherapy, Chronic Kidney Disease and Zidovudine used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Procrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolPROCRIT (epoetin alfa) is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10979Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorProcritJanssen Products, LPJanssen Products, LPIntravenous; Subcutaneous40000 [iU]/1mLPROCRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with PROCRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to PROCRIT PROCRIT from multidose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Benzyl alcohol has been associated with serious adverse events and death, particularly in pediatric patients. When therapy with PROCRIT is needed in neonates and infants, use single-dose vials; do not admix with bacteriostatic saline containing benzyl alcohol high blood pressure (hypertension), headache, joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, body aches, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, swelling, fatigue, dizziness, depression, diarrhea, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), pain/tenderness/irritation where Procrit is injected, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat).Procrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Procrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Procrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Anemia caused by Chemotherapy, Chronic Kidney Disease and Zidovudine used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Procrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolPROCRIT (epoetin alfa) is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10980Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorProcritJanssen Products, LPJanssen Products, LPIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 [iU]/1mLPROCRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with PROCRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to PROCRIT PROCRIT from multidose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Benzyl alcohol has been associated with serious adverse events and death, particularly in pediatric patients. When therapy with PROCRIT is needed in neonates and infants, use single-dose vials; do not admix with bacteriostatic saline containing benzyl alcohol high blood pressure (hypertension), headache, joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain or spasms, body aches, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, swelling, fatigue, dizziness, depression, diarrhea, weight loss, sleep problems (insomnia), pain/tenderness/irritation where Procrit is injected, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat).Procrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Procrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Procrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Anemia caused by Chemotherapy, Chronic Kidney Disease and Zidovudine used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Procrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolPROCRIT (epoetin alfa) is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10981Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritVifor (International) Inc.Vifor (International) Inc.Intravenous; Subcutaneous2000 [iU]/1mLRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10982Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritVifor (International) Inc.Vifor (International) Inc.Intravenous; Subcutaneous3000 [iU]/1mLRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10983Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritVifor (International) Inc.Vifor (International) Inc.Intravenous; Subcutaneous4000 [iU]/1mLRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10984Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritVifor (International) Inc.Vifor (International) Inc.Intravenous; Subcutaneous10000 [iU]/1mLRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10985Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer IncPfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 [iU]/1mLRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10986Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer IncPfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous3000 [iU]/1mLRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10987Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer IncPfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 [iU]/1mLRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10988Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer IncPfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 [iU]/1mLRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10989Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer IncPfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous40000 [iU]/1mLRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10990Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritVifor (International) Inc.Vifor (International) Inc.Intravenous; Subcutaneous20000 [iU]/1mLRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10991Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer IncPfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer IncIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 [iU]/1mLRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10992Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Europe Ma EeigPfizer Europe Ma EeigIntravenous; Subcutaneous1000 IU/0.3mlRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10993Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Europe Ma EeigPfizer Europe Ma EeigIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 IU/0.6mlRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10994Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Europe Ma EeigPfizer Europe Ma EeigIntravenous; Subcutaneous3000 IU/0.9mlRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10995Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Europe Ma EeigPfizer Europe Ma EeigIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 IU/0.4mlRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10996Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Europe Ma EeigPfizer Europe Ma EeigIntravenous; Subcutaneous5000 IU/0.5mlRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10997Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Europe Ma EeigPfizer Europe Ma EeigIntravenous; Subcutaneous6000 IU/0.6mlRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10998Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Europe Ma EeigPfizer Europe Ma EeigIntravenous; Subcutaneous8000 IU/0.8mlRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
10999Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Europe Ma EeigPfizer Europe Ma EeigIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 IU/1.0mlRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
11000Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Europe Ma EeigPfizer Europe Ma EeigIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 IU/0.5mlRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
11001Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Europe Ma EeigPfizer Europe Ma EeigIntravenous; Subcutaneous30000 IU/0.75mlRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
11002Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorRetacritPfizer Europe Ma EeigPfizer Europe Ma EeigIntravenous; Subcutaneous40000 IU/1.0mlRETACRIT is contraindicated in patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that begins after treatment with RETACRIT or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Serious allergic reactions to RETACRIT or other epoetin alfa products. high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, muscle spasm or pain, fever, dizziness, medical device malfunction, blockage of a blood vessel, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, rash, injection site irritation or pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling and sores inside the mouth, weight loss, low white blood cell count (leukopenia), bone pain, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), insomnia, headache, depression, difficulty swallowing, low blood potassium, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis DVTs), itching, and chillsRetacrit is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. This protein may be reduced when you have kidney failure or use certain medications. When fewer red blood cells are produced, you can develop a condition called anemia. Retacrit is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy...Retacrit is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Anemia, Zidovudine-Related Anemia, Chemotherapy-Related Anemia and Reduction of Allogenic Red Blood Cell Transfusions in patient undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery. Retacrit may be used alone or with other medications.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolEpoetin alfa-epbx is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.LinkLinkNA
11003Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorSilapoStada Arzneimittel AgStada Arzneimittel AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous1000 IU/0.3mlNAThe most common side effects with Silapo (which may affect more than 1 in 100 people) are headache and increased blood pressure. Silapo contains the active substance epoetin zeta and is a ‘biosimilar’ medicine. This means that Silapo is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Silapo is Eprex/Erypo, which contains epoetin treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure (long-term, decreasing ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy to treat certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that patients with moderate anaemia can self-donate before surgery, so that their own blood can be given back to them during or after surgery; to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to have major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Silapo is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
11004Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorSilapoStada Arzneimittel AgStada Arzneimittel AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous2000 IU/0.6mlNAThe most common side effects with Silapo (which may affect more than 1 in 100 people) are headache and increased blood pressure. Silapo contains the active substance epoetin zeta and is a ‘biosimilar’ medicine. This means that Silapo is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Silapo is Eprex/Erypo, which contains epoetin treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure (long-term, decreasing ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy to treat certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that patients with moderate anaemia can self-donate before surgery, so that their own blood can be given back to them during or after surgery; to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to have major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Silapo is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
11005Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorSilapoStada Arzneimittel AgStada Arzneimittel AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous3000 IU/0.9mlNAThe most common side effects with Silapo (which may affect more than 1 in 100 people) are headache and increased blood pressure. Silapo contains the active substance epoetin zeta and is a ‘biosimilar’ medicine. This means that Silapo is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Silapo is Eprex/Erypo, which contains epoetin treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure (long-term, decreasing ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy to treat certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that patients with moderate anaemia can self-donate before surgery, so that their own blood can be given back to them during or after surgery; to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to have major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Silapo is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
11006Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorSilapoStada Arzneimittel AgStada Arzneimittel AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous4000 IU/0.4mlNAThe most common side effects with Silapo (which may affect more than 1 in 100 people) are headache and increased blood pressure. Silapo contains the active substance epoetin zeta and is a ‘biosimilar’ medicine. This means that Silapo is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Silapo is Eprex/Erypo, which contains epoetin treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure (long-term, decreasing ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy to treat certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that patients with moderate anaemia can self-donate before surgery, so that their own blood can be given back to them during or after surgery; to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to have major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Silapo is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
11007Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorSilapoStada Arzneimittel AgStada Arzneimittel AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous5000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Silapo (which may affect more than 1 in 100 people) are headache and increased blood pressure. Silapo contains the active substance epoetin zeta and is a ‘biosimilar’ medicine. This means that Silapo is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Silapo is Eprex/Erypo, which contains epoetin treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure (long-term, decreasing ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy to treat certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that patients with moderate anaemia can self-donate before surgery, so that their own blood can be given back to them during or after surgery; to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to have major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Silapo is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
11008Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorSilapoStada Arzneimittel AgStada Arzneimittel AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous6000 IU/0.6mlNAThe most common side effects with Silapo (which may affect more than 1 in 100 people) are headache and increased blood pressure. Silapo contains the active substance epoetin zeta and is a ‘biosimilar’ medicine. This means that Silapo is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Silapo is Eprex/Erypo, which contains epoetin treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure (long-term, decreasing ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy to treat certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that patients with moderate anaemia can self-donate before surgery, so that their own blood can be given back to them during or after surgery; to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to have major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Silapo is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
11009Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorSilapoStada Arzneimittel AgStada Arzneimittel AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous8000 IU/0.8mlNAThe most common side effects with Silapo (which may affect more than 1 in 100 people) are headache and increased blood pressure. Silapo contains the active substance epoetin zeta and is a ‘biosimilar’ medicine. This means that Silapo is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Silapo is Eprex/Erypo, which contains epoetin treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure (long-term, decreasing ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy to treat certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that patients with moderate anaemia can self-donate before surgery, so that their own blood can be given back to them during or after surgery; to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to have major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Silapo is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
11010Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorSilapoStada Arzneimittel AgStada Arzneimittel AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous10000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Silapo (which may affect more than 1 in 100 people) are headache and increased blood pressure. Silapo contains the active substance epoetin zeta and is a ‘biosimilar’ medicine. This means that Silapo is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Silapo is Eprex/Erypo, which contains epoetin treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure (long-term, decreasing ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy to treat certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that patients with moderate anaemia can self-donate before surgery, so that their own blood can be given back to them during or after surgery; to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to have major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Silapo is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
11011Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorSilapoStada Arzneimittel AgStada Arzneimittel AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous20000 IU/0.5mlNAThe most common side effects with Silapo (which may affect more than 1 in 100 people) are headache and increased blood pressure. Silapo contains the active substance epoetin zeta and is a ‘biosimilar’ medicine. This means that Silapo is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Silapo is Eprex/Erypo, which contains epoetin treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure (long-term, decreasing ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy to treat certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that patients with moderate anaemia can self-donate before surgery, so that their own blood can be given back to them during or after surgery; to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to have major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Silapo is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
11012Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorSilapoStada Arzneimittel AgStada Arzneimittel AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous30000 IU/0.75mlNAThe most common side effects with Silapo (which may affect more than 1 in 100 people) are headache and increased blood pressure. Silapo contains the active substance epoetin zeta and is a ‘biosimilar’ medicine. This means that Silapo is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Silapo is Eprex/Erypo, which contains epoetin treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure (long-term, decreasing ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy to treat certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that patients with moderate anaemia can self-donate before surgery, so that their own blood can be given back to them during or after surgery; to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to have major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Silapo is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
11013Th1240Erythropoietin>Th1240_Erythropoietin APPRLICDSRVLERYLLEAKEAENITTGCAEHCSLNENITVPDTKVNFYAWKRMEVGQQAVEVWQGLALLSEAVLRGQALLVNSSQPWEPLQLHVDKAVSGLRSLTTLLRALGAQKEAISPPDAASAAPLRTITADTFRKLFRVYSNFLRGKLKLYTGEACRTGDR 18396.1C815H1317N233O241S58.75NA53 °C**Healthy volunteers:** The half life is approximately 4 hours in healthy volunteers receiving an intravenous injection [F85]. A half-life of approximately 6 hours has been reported in children [F85]., **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** The elimination half life following intravenous administration ranges from 4 to 13 hours, which is about 20% longer in CRF patients than that in healthy subjects. The half life is reported to be similar between adult patients receiving or not receiving dialysis [FDA Label]. , **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** Following subcutaneous administration, the average half life is 40 hours with range of 16 to 67 hours [FDA Label].Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor produced in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It works by promoting the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa (Epoge) was developed by Amgen Inc. in 1983 as the first rhEPO commercialized in the United States, followed by other alfa and beta formulations. Epoetin alfa is a 165-amino acid erythropoiesis-stimulating glycoprotein produced in cell culture using recombinant DNA technology and is used for the treatment of patients with anemia associated with various clinical conditions, such as chronic renal failure, antiviral drug therapy, chemotherapy, or a high risk for perioperative blood loss from surgical procedures [FDA Label]. It has a molecular weight of approximately 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced. The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin and has the same biological activity as the endogenous erythropoietin. Epoetin alfa biosimilar, such as Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx or epoetin zeta), has been formulated to allow more access to treatment options for patients in the market [L2784]. The biosimilar is approved by the FDA and EMA as a safe, effective and affordable biological product and displays equivalent clinical efficacy, potency, and purity to the reference product [A7504]. Epoetin alfa formulations can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.Indicated in adult and paediatric patients for the treatment of anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis, treatment of anemia due to zidovudine in patients with HIV-infection, treatment of anemia due to the effects of concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy, and upon initiation, there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy, reduction of allogeneic RBC transfusions in patients undergoing elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery.Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa are involved in the regulation of erythrocyte differentiation and the maintenance of a physiological level of circulating erythrocyte mass. It is reported to increase the reticulocyte count within 10 days of initiation, followed by increases in the RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [F85]. Depending on the dose administered, the rate of hemoglobin increase may vary. In patients receiving hemodialysis, a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 Units/kg 3 times weekly [F85]. Epoetin alfa serves to restore erythropoietin deficiency in pathological and other clinical conditions where normal production of erythropoietin is impaired or compromised. In anemic patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), administration with epoetin alfa stimulated erythropoiesis by increasing the reticulocyte count within 10 days, followed by increases in the red cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, usually within 2 to 6 weeks [FDA Label]. Epoetin alfa was shown to be effective in increasing hematocrit in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients and anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy [FDA Label].Erythropoietin or exogenous epoetin alfa binds to the erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R) and activates intracellular signal transduction pathways [A33079]. The affinity (Kd) of EPO for its receptor on human cells is ~100 to 200 pM [A33080]. Upon binding to EPO-R on the surface of erythroid progenitor cells, a conformational change is induced which brings EPO-R-associated Janus family tyrosine protein kinase 2 (JAK2) molecules into close proximity. JAK2 molecules are subsequently activated via phosphorylation, then phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of the EPO-R that serve as docking sites for Src homology 2-domain-containing intracellular signaling proteins [A33079]. The signalling proteins include STAT5 that once phosphorylated by JAK2, dissociates from the EPO-R, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus where they serve as transcription factors to activate target genes involved in cell division or differentiation, including the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-x [A33079]. The inhibition of apoptosis by the EPO-activated JAK2/STAT5/Bcl-x pathway is critical in erythroid differentiation. Via JAK2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation, erythropoietin and epoetin alfa also activates other intracellular proteins involved in erythroid cell proliferation and survival, such as Shc , phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and phospholipase C-1 [A33079].Overdose from epoetin alfa include signs and symptoms associated with an excessive and/or rapid increase in hemoglobin concentration, including cardiovascular events. Patients with suspected or known overdose should be monitored closely for cardiovascular events and hematologic abnormalities. Polycythemia should be managed acutely with phlebotomy, as clinically indicated. Following resolution of the overdose, reintroduction of epoetin alfa therapy should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of rapid increases in hemoglobin concentration (>1 gm/dL per 14 days). In patients with an excessive hematopoietic response, reduce the dose in accordance with the recommendations described in the drug label [FDA Label].Binding of erythropoietin and epoetin alfa to EPO-R leads to cellular internalization, which involves the degradation of the ligand. Erythropoietin and epoetin alfa may also be degraded by the reticuloendothelial scavenging pathway or lymphatic system [A33080].The time to reach peak concentration is slower via the subcutaneous route than the intravenous route which ranges from 20 to 25 hours, and the peak is always well below the peak achieved using the intravenous route (5–10% of those seen with IV administration) [A33080, L85]. The bioavailability of subcutaneous injectable erythropoietin is much lower than that of the intravenously administered product and is approximately 20-40% [A33080, L85]. **Adult and paediatric patients with CRF:** Following subcutaneous administration, the peak plasma levels are achieved within 5 to 24 hours [FDA Label]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average time to reach peak plasma concentration was approximately 13.3 ± 12.4 hours after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing. The Cmax is expected be 3- to 7- fold higher and the Tmax is expected to be 2- to 3-fold longer in patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen [FDA Label].In healthy volunteers, the volume of distribution of intravenous epoetin alfa was generally similar to the plasma volume (range of 40–63.80 mL/kg), indicating limited extravascular distribution [A33080, A33076].**Healthy volunteers: ** In male volunteers receiving intravenous epoetin alfa, the total body clearance was approximately 8.12 ± 1.00 mL/h/kg [A33076]. **Cancer patients receiving cyclic chemotherapy:** The average clearance was approximately 20.2 ± 15.9 mL/h/kg after 150 Units/kg three times per week (TIW) subcutaneous (SC) dosing [FDA Label]. The patients receiving a 40,000 Units SC weekly dosing regimen display a lower clearance (9.2 ± 4.7 mL/h/kg) [FDA Label].NANANANANAErythropoietin receptorSilapoStada Arzneimittel AgStada Arzneimittel AgIntravenous; Subcutaneous40000 IU/1.0mlNAThe most common side effects with Silapo (which may affect more than 1 in 100 people) are headache and increased blood pressure. Silapo contains the active substance epoetin zeta and is a ‘biosimilar’ medicine. This means that Silapo is highly similar to another biological medicine (the ‘reference medicine’) that is already authorised in the EU. The reference medicine for Silapo is Eprex/Erypo, which contains epoetin treat anaemia (low red blood cell counts) that is causing symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure (long-term, decreasing ability of the kidneys to work properly) or other kidney problems; to treat anaemia in adults receiving chemotherapy to treat certain types of cancer and to reduce the need for blood transfusions; to increase the amount of blood that patients with moderate anaemia can self-donate before surgery, so that their own blood can be given back to them during or after surgery; to reduce the need for blood transfusions in adults with moderate anaemia who are about to have major orthopaedic (bone) surgery, such as hip surgery. It is used in patients with normal blood iron levels who could experience complications from a blood transfusion, if they do not donate their own blood before surgery and are expected to lose 900 to 1,800 ml of blood; to treat anaemia in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (conditions in which the production of healthy blood cells is defective). Silapo is used when patients are at low or intermediate risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia and have low levels of the natural hormone erythropoietin.potassium;[2-butyl-5-chloro-3-[[4-[2-(1,2,3-triaza-4-azanidacyclopenta-2,5-dien-5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]imidazol-4-yl]methanolNALinkLinkNA
11870Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAAmino Acids, Peptides, and ProteinsNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11871Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAAntibodiesNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11872Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAAntibodies, MonoclonalNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11873Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAAntibodies, Monoclonal, HumanizedNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11874Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANABiochemical PhenomenaNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11875Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANABlood ProteinsNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11876Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAGlobulinsNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11877Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAImmunoglobulin Fab FragmentsNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11878Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAImmunoglobulin FragmentsNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11879Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAImmunoglobulin Variable RegionNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11880Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAImmunoglobulinsNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11881Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAImmunoproteinsNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11882Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAInformation ScienceNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11883Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAInformation ServicesNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11884Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAMolecular Sequence DataNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11885Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAMolecular StructureNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11886Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAPeptide FragmentsNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11887Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAPeptidesNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11888Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANAProteinsNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
11889Th1264Pexelizumab>Th1264_Pexelizumab MADIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVTITCGASENIYGALNWYQRKPGKAPKLLIYGATNLADGVPSRFSGSGSGTDYTLTISSLQPEDFATYYCQNVLNTPLTFGQGTKVEIKRTGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSQVQLVQSGAEVEKPGASVKKVSCKASGYIFSNYWIQWVRQAPGQGLEWMGEILPGSGSTEYAQKFQGRVTMTADTSTSTAYMELSSLRSEDTAVYYCARYFFGSSPNYWYFDVWGQGTLVTVSS NANANANANA7.0 hours to 14.5 hours.Pexelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used as an immunosuppressive drug. It is being investigated by Alexion Pharmaceuticals.For the treatment of inflammation during cardiac surgery.Myocardial injury and dysfunction in acute infarction and during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with an undesirable systemic inflammatory response, in which the complement cascade plays a major role. In animal models C5 inhibition has been found to significantly reduce myocardial infarct size and decrease cellular necrosis and apoptosis. Pexelizumab is a humanized, monoclonal, single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits C5, thereby blocking its cleavage into active forms.Although inflammation is a normal response, continued exposure to foreign surfaces, toxic antigens, and tissue injury results in pathologic local and systemic inflammation (SIRS). This response involves multiple humoral and cellular components, including the coagulation (Factor XII, thrombin, Proteins C and S, platelets) and complement systems, cytokines (TNF-alpha, interleukins), leukocytes, monocytes, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1), and endothelial cells, among others. The complement system is a group of glycoproteins, which, when activated, results in the formation of C3-convertase, which converts C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b. C5b, in conjunction with C6, C7, C8, and C9, forms the membrane attack or terminal complement complex (TCC) C5b-9. Both C5a and C5b-9 activate, promote, and amplify inflammatory components, and likely play central roles in the development of SIRS, tissue injury, reperfusion injury, and apoptosis. Pexelizumab, a recombinant humanized single chain monoclonal antibody to C5, blocks the conversion of C5 to C5a and C5b-9.NANANANANASerum GlobulinsNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
13130Th1384Albumin iodinated I-131 serumNA NANANANANANAIodinated I-131 serum albumin is a radiopharmaceutical agent used for several diagnostic purposes, including the determination of body fluid volumes and the imaging of certain tissues.[L12783]Iodinated I-131 albumin is indicated for use in determinations of total blood and plasma volumes, cardiac output, cardiac and pulmonary blood volumes and circulation times, and in protein turnover studies, heart and great vessel delineation, localization of the placenta, and localization of cerebral neoplasms.[L12783]NANANANANANANARadiopharmaceutical ActivityNANANANANAMegatopeIso-Tex Diagnostics, Inc.Iso-Tex Diagnostics, Inc.Intravenous1 mCi/1mLNone Known.allergic reactionsNAMegatope (Iodinated I 131 Albumin Injection) is indicated for use in determinations of total blood and plasma volumes, cardiac output, cardiac and pulmonary blood volumes and circulation times, and in protein turnover studies, heart and great vessel dilineation, localization of the placenta, and localization of celebral neospasms.NATABLE 1LinkLinkNA
13131Th1384Albumin iodinated I-131 serumNA NANANANANANAIodinated I-131 serum albumin is a radiopharmaceutical agent used for several diagnostic purposes, including the determination of body fluid volumes and the imaging of certain tissues.[L12783]Iodinated I-131 albumin is indicated for use in determinations of total blood and plasma volumes, cardiac output, cardiac and pulmonary blood volumes and circulation times, and in protein turnover studies, heart and great vessel delineation, localization of the placenta, and localization of cerebral neoplasms.[L12783]NANANANANANANARadiopharmaceutical ActivityNANANANANAVolumexIso-Tex Diagnostics, Inc.Iso-Tex Diagnostics, Inc.Intravenous0.025 mCi/1mLNAAlthough the immunological properties of albumin human are believed to be virtually unaltered by the iodination process, there is a theoretical possibility that allergic reactions may occur in patients receiving additional doses a number of weeks after an initial dose.NANANANALinkLinkNA
13132Th1385Technetium Tc-99m red blood cellsNA NANANANANATechnetium Tc 99m decays by isomeric transition with a physical half-life of 6.02 hours. The technetium Tc 99m is well retained in the blood pool with an estimated biological half-life of approximately 29 hours [FDA Label].Technetium Tc-99m red blood cells is a radiopharmaceutical diagnostic agent that is intravenously administered to be used in blood pool imaging, including cardiac first pass and gated equilibrium imaging and for detection of sites of gastrointestinal bleeding. It is clinically useful in early detection and localization of bleeding sites, and preoperative diagnosis of hemangioma [A32178, A32179]. Autologous red blood cells are radiolabeled with sodium pertechnetate Tc 99m in the reaction vial. Radiolabeled red blood cells are re-injected intravenously into the patient for gamma scintigraphic imaging [FDA Label]. It is suggested that _in vitro_ labelling improves the heart-to-background ratio during imaging [A32181].Indicated for blood pool imaging, including cardiac first pass and gated equilibrium imaging and for detection of sites of gastrointestinal bleeding [FDA Label].Technetium Tc-99m red blood cells are diagnostic agents that are distributed within the circulation to assess the vascular nature of hemangiomas and diagnosis of venous occlusion [A32186]. Blood abnormalities can be detected during gamma scintigraphic imaging.Autologous red blood cells (RBC) are collected from the patient and put into the reaction vial for radiolabeling, followed by anticoagulation with heparin or Anticoagulant Citrate Dextrose Solution (ACD). In the reaction vial, stannous ion diffuses across the RBC membrane and accumulates intracellularly. Sodium hypochlorite, which does not cross the RBC membrane, is then added to the reaction vial to oxidize the extracellular stannous ion. Finally, sodium pertechnetate Tc 99m is added to the oxidized reaction vial to diffuse across the red blood cell membrane and be reduced by the intracellular stannous ion. Upon reduction, Tc 99m cannot diffuse out of the RBC. Technetium Tc 99m-labeled red blood cells are injected again into the patient for gamma scintigraphic imaging [FDA Label].No long term animal studies have been performed to evaluate carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or to determine the effects on male or female fertility [FDA Label].NANAFollowing intravenous injection, the technetium Tc 99m-labeled red blood cells distribute within the blood pool with an estimated volume of distribution of approximately 5.6% of bodyweight [FDA Label].NARadioactive Diagnostic AgentNANANANANAUltraTag RBCMallinckrodtMallinckrodtIntravenous0.05 mg/9.5mgNone known.NANATechnetium Tc 99m-labeled red blood cells are used for blood pool imaging, including cardiac first pass and gated equilibrium imaging and for detection of sites of gastrointestinal bleeding.NA1. A 10 milliliter reaction vial containing:LinkNANA
13133Th1385Technetium Tc-99m red blood cellsNA NANANANANATechnetium Tc 99m decays by isomeric transition with a physical half-life of 6.02 hours. The technetium Tc 99m is well retained in the blood pool with an estimated biological half-life of approximately 29 hours [FDA Label].Technetium Tc-99m red blood cells is a radiopharmaceutical diagnostic agent that is intravenously administered to be used in blood pool imaging, including cardiac first pass and gated equilibrium imaging and for detection of sites of gastrointestinal bleeding. It is clinically useful in early detection and localization of bleeding sites, and preoperative diagnosis of hemangioma [A32178, A32179]. Autologous red blood cells are radiolabeled with sodium pertechnetate Tc 99m in the reaction vial. Radiolabeled red blood cells are re-injected intravenously into the patient for gamma scintigraphic imaging [FDA Label]. It is suggested that _in vitro_ labelling improves the heart-to-background ratio during imaging [A32181].Indicated for blood pool imaging, including cardiac first pass and gated equilibrium imaging and for detection of sites of gastrointestinal bleeding [FDA Label].Technetium Tc-99m red blood cells are diagnostic agents that are distributed within the circulation to assess the vascular nature of hemangiomas and diagnosis of venous occlusion [A32186]. Blood abnormalities can be detected during gamma scintigraphic imaging.Autologous red blood cells (RBC) are collected from the patient and put into the reaction vial for radiolabeling, followed by anticoagulation with heparin or Anticoagulant Citrate Dextrose Solution (ACD). In the reaction vial, stannous ion diffuses across the RBC membrane and accumulates intracellularly. Sodium hypochlorite, which does not cross the RBC membrane, is then added to the reaction vial to oxidize the extracellular stannous ion. Finally, sodium pertechnetate Tc 99m is added to the oxidized reaction vial to diffuse across the red blood cell membrane and be reduced by the intracellular stannous ion. Upon reduction, Tc 99m cannot diffuse out of the RBC. Technetium Tc 99m-labeled red blood cells are injected again into the patient for gamma scintigraphic imaging [FDA Label].No long term animal studies have been performed to evaluate carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or to determine the effects on male or female fertility [FDA Label].NANAFollowing intravenous injection, the technetium Tc 99m-labeled red blood cells distribute within the blood pool with an estimated volume of distribution of approximately 5.6% of bodyweight [FDA Label].NARadiopharmaceutical ActivityNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
15101Th1566Coagulation factor VII human>Th1566_Coagulation_factor_VII_human MVSQALRLLCLLLGLQGCLAAGGVAKASGGETRDMPWKPGPHRVFVTQEEAHGVLHRRRRANAFLEELRPGSLERECKEEQCSFEEAREIFKDAERTKLFWISYSDGDQCASSPCQNGGSCKDQLQSYICFCLPAFEGRNCETHKDDQLICVNENGGCEQYCSDHTGTKRSCRCHEGYSLLADGVSCTPTVEYPCGKIPILEKRNASKPQGRIVGGKVCPKGECPWQVLLLVNGAQLCGGTLINTIWVVSAAHCFDKIKNWRNLIAVLGEHDLSEHDGDEQSRRVAQVIIPSTYVPGTTNHDIALLRLHQPVVLTDHVVPLCLPERTFSERTLAFVRFSLVSGWGQLLDRGATALELMVLNVPRLMTQDCLQQSRKVGDSPNITEYMFCAGYSDGSKDSCKGDSGGPHATHYRGTWYLTGIVSWGQGCATVGHFGVYTRVSQYIEWLQKLMRSEPRPGVLLRAPFP NANANANANA5 hCoagulation factor VII is human serine protease type enzyme that is involved in the extrinsic coagulation cascade which results in blood clotting.May be administered in cases of uncontrolled bleeding. Factor VII alone can be used in the treatment of congenital hemophilia A or B, acquired hemophilia, congenital factor VII deficiency, and Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. Off label use in the treatment of refractory bleeding after cardiac surgery and warfarin related intracerebral hemorrhage. Brands for human factor VII are currently only in combination with other vitamin K coagulation factors and can be used to reverse vitamin K antagonist activity in patients with acute major bleeds or for urgent surgery/invasive procedures.Human Factor VII complexes with tissue factor resulting in its activation to VIIa. It is the activated Factor VIIa that then binds to Factor X activating it to Factor Xa, as well as coagulation Factor IX is activated to Factor IXa. Factor Xa continues the coagulation cascade to eventually convert prothrombin to thrombin, which leads to the formation of a clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin.Factor VII is required in the extrinsic clotting cascade. When there is vascular damage tissue factor (TF) is released which then interacts with Factor VII resulting in the formation of the activated complex VIIa. Factor VIIa then continues to activate coagulation factors in the cascade until a clot is formed.No evidence of toxicity. Adverse effect of excessive clotting in certain individuals.Degraded by catabolismNo absorption since given IV.45 ml/kg7.4 ml/kghAmino Acids, Peptides, and ProteinsNANANANATissue factor,Coagulation factor X,Coagulation factor IXBeriplex P/n 1000Csl BehringCsl BehringIntravenousNANANANANANANALinkNANA
15102Th1566Coagulation factor VII human>Th1566_Coagulation_factor_VII_human MVSQALRLLCLLLGLQGCLAAGGVAKASGGETRDMPWKPGPHRVFVTQEEAHGVLHRRRRANAFLEELRPGSLERECKEEQCSFEEAREIFKDAERTKLFWISYSDGDQCASSPCQNGGSCKDQLQSYICFCLPAFEGRNCETHKDDQLICVNENGGCEQYCSDHTGTKRSCRCHEGYSLLADGVSCTPTVEYPCGKIPILEKRNASKPQGRIVGGKVCPKGECPWQVLLLVNGAQLCGGTLINTIWVVSAAHCFDKIKNWRNLIAVLGEHDLSEHDGDEQSRRVAQVIIPSTYVPGTTNHDIALLRLHQPVVLTDHVVPLCLPERTFSERTLAFVRFSLVSGWGQLLDRGATALELMVLNVPRLMTQDCLQQSRKVGDSPNITEYMFCAGYSDGSKDSCKGDSGGPHATHYRGTWYLTGIVSWGQGCATVGHFGVYTRVSQYIEWLQKLMRSEPRPGVLLRAPFP NANANANANA5 hCoagulation factor VII is human serine protease type enzyme that is involved in the extrinsic coagulation cascade which results in blood clotting.May be administered in cases of uncontrolled bleeding. Factor VII alone can be used in the treatment of congenital hemophilia A or B, acquired hemophilia, congenital factor VII deficiency, and Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. Off label use in the treatment of refractory bleeding after cardiac surgery and warfarin related intracerebral hemorrhage. Brands for human factor VII are currently only in combination with other vitamin K coagulation factors and can be used to reverse vitamin K antagonist activity in patients with acute major bleeds or for urgent surgery/invasive procedures.Human Factor VII complexes with tissue factor resulting in its activation to VIIa. It is the activated Factor VIIa that then binds to Factor X activating it to Factor Xa, as well as coagulation Factor IX is activated to Factor IXa. Factor Xa continues the coagulation cascade to eventually convert prothrombin to thrombin, which leads to the formation of a clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin.Factor VII is required in the extrinsic clotting cascade. When there is vascular damage tissue factor (TF) is released which then interacts with Factor VII resulting in the formation of the activated complex VIIa. Factor VIIa then continues to activate coagulation factors in the cascade until a clot is formed.No evidence of toxicity. Adverse effect of excessive clotting in certain individuals.Degraded by catabolismNo absorption since given IV.45 ml/kg7.4 ml/kghBiological FactorsNANANANATissue factor,Coagulation factor X,Coagulation factor IXBeriplex P/n 500Csl BehringCsl BehringIntravenousNANANANANANANALinkNANA
15103Th1566Coagulation factor VII human>Th1566_Coagulation_factor_VII_human MVSQALRLLCLLLGLQGCLAAGGVAKASGGETRDMPWKPGPHRVFVTQEEAHGVLHRRRRANAFLEELRPGSLERECKEEQCSFEEAREIFKDAERTKLFWISYSDGDQCASSPCQNGGSCKDQLQSYICFCLPAFEGRNCETHKDDQLICVNENGGCEQYCSDHTGTKRSCRCHEGYSLLADGVSCTPTVEYPCGKIPILEKRNASKPQGRIVGGKVCPKGECPWQVLLLVNGAQLCGGTLINTIWVVSAAHCFDKIKNWRNLIAVLGEHDLSEHDGDEQSRRVAQVIIPSTYVPGTTNHDIALLRLHQPVVLTDHVVPLCLPERTFSERTLAFVRFSLVSGWGQLLDRGATALELMVLNVPRLMTQDCLQQSRKVGDSPNITEYMFCAGYSDGSKDSCKGDSGGPHATHYRGTWYLTGIVSWGQGCATVGHFGVYTRVSQYIEWLQKLMRSEPRPGVLLRAPFP NANANANANA5 hCoagulation factor VII is human serine protease type enzyme that is involved in the extrinsic coagulation cascade which results in blood clotting.May be administered in cases of uncontrolled bleeding. Factor VII alone can be used in the treatment of congenital hemophilia A or B, acquired hemophilia, congenital factor VII deficiency, and Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. Off label use in the treatment of refractory bleeding after cardiac surgery and warfarin related intracerebral hemorrhage. Brands for human factor VII are currently only in combination with other vitamin K coagulation factors and can be used to reverse vitamin K antagonist activity in patients with acute major bleeds or for urgent surgery/invasive procedures.Human Factor VII complexes with tissue factor resulting in its activation to VIIa. It is the activated Factor VIIa that then binds to Factor X activating it to Factor Xa, as well as coagulation Factor IX is activated to Factor IXa. Factor Xa continues the coagulation cascade to eventually convert prothrombin to thrombin, which leads to the formation of a clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin.Factor VII is required in the extrinsic clotting cascade. When there is vascular damage tissue factor (TF) is released which then interacts with Factor VII resulting in the formation of the activated complex VIIa. Factor VIIa then continues to activate coagulation factors in the cascade until a clot is formed.No evidence of toxicity. Adverse effect of excessive clotting in certain individuals.Degraded by catabolismNo absorption since given IV.45 ml/kg7.4 ml/kghBlood and Blood Forming OrgansNANANANATissue factor,Coagulation factor X,Coagulation factor IXFeiba Vh Immuno Anti InhibitorOsterreichisches Institut Fur Haemoderivate Ges M.B.H.Osterreichisches Institut Fur Haemoderivate Ges M.B.H.IntravenousNAKnown anaphylactic or severe hypersensitivity reactions to FEIBA or any of its components, including factors of the kinin generating system. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Acute thrombosis or embolism (including myocardial infarction).headache flushing pain around the IV needle numbness or tingling, especially in your faceVNANANANALinkLinkNA
15104Th1566Coagulation factor VII human>Th1566_Coagulation_factor_VII_human MVSQALRLLCLLLGLQGCLAAGGVAKASGGETRDMPWKPGPHRVFVTQEEAHGVLHRRRRANAFLEELRPGSLERECKEEQCSFEEAREIFKDAERTKLFWISYSDGDQCASSPCQNGGSCKDQLQSYICFCLPAFEGRNCETHKDDQLICVNENGGCEQYCSDHTGTKRSCRCHEGYSLLADGVSCTPTVEYPCGKIPILEKRNASKPQGRIVGGKVCPKGECPWQVLLLVNGAQLCGGTLINTIWVVSAAHCFDKIKNWRNLIAVLGEHDLSEHDGDEQSRRVAQVIIPSTYVPGTTNHDIALLRLHQPVVLTDHVVPLCLPERTFSERTLAFVRFSLVSGWGQLLDRGATALELMVLNVPRLMTQDCLQQSRKVGDSPNITEYMFCAGYSDGSKDSCKGDSGGPHATHYRGTWYLTGIVSWGQGCATVGHFGVYTRVSQYIEWLQKLMRSEPRPGVLLRAPFP NANANANANA5 hCoagulation factor VII is human serine protease type enzyme that is involved in the extrinsic coagulation cascade which results in blood clotting.May be administered in cases of uncontrolled bleeding. Factor VII alone can be used in the treatment of congenital hemophilia A or B, acquired hemophilia, congenital factor VII deficiency, and Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. Off label use in the treatment of refractory bleeding after cardiac surgery and warfarin related intracerebral hemorrhage. Brands for human factor VII are currently only in combination with other vitamin K coagulation factors and can be used to reverse vitamin K antagonist activity in patients with acute major bleeds or for urgent surgery/invasive procedures.Human Factor VII complexes with tissue factor resulting in its activation to VIIa. It is the activated Factor VIIa that then binds to Factor X activating it to Factor Xa, as well as coagulation Factor IX is activated to Factor IXa. Factor Xa continues the coagulation cascade to eventually convert prothrombin to thrombin, which leads to the formation of a clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin.Factor VII is required in the extrinsic clotting cascade. When there is vascular damage tissue factor (TF) is released which then interacts with Factor VII resulting in the formation of the activated complex VIIa. Factor VIIa then continues to activate coagulation factors in the cascade until a clot is formed.No evidence of toxicity. Adverse effect of excessive clotting in certain individuals.Degraded by catabolismNo absorption since given IV.45 ml/kg7.4 ml/kghBlood Coagulation FactorsNANANANATissue factor,Coagulation factor X,Coagulation factor IXKcentraCSL Behring GmbHCSL Behring GmbHIntravenousNAKcentra is contraindicated in: Patients with known anaphylactic or severe systemic reactions to Kcentra or any components in Kcentra including heparin, Factors II, VII, IX, X, Proteins C and S, Antithrombin III and Human albumin. Patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Patients with known heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). Kcentra contains heparin [see DESCRIPTION].headache, nausea, vomiting, joint pain, low blood pressure (hypotension), and low levels of iron in the blood (anemia)Kcentra is a blood coagulation factor replacement product. Kcentra is used to quickly reverse the effects of a blood-thinning medicine (such as warfarin) during a major bleeding episode, or when there is a need for emergency surgery or invasive medical procedure. Kcentra is for use in adults and dosing...Kcentra is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Vitamin K Antagonist Reversal. Kcentra may be used alone or with other medications.NANALinkLinkNA
15105Th1566Coagulation factor VII human>Th1566_Coagulation_factor_VII_human MVSQALRLLCLLLGLQGCLAAGGVAKASGGETRDMPWKPGPHRVFVTQEEAHGVLHRRRRANAFLEELRPGSLERECKEEQCSFEEAREIFKDAERTKLFWISYSDGDQCASSPCQNGGSCKDQLQSYICFCLPAFEGRNCETHKDDQLICVNENGGCEQYCSDHTGTKRSCRCHEGYSLLADGVSCTPTVEYPCGKIPILEKRNASKPQGRIVGGKVCPKGECPWQVLLLVNGAQLCGGTLINTIWVVSAAHCFDKIKNWRNLIAVLGEHDLSEHDGDEQSRRVAQVIIPSTYVPGTTNHDIALLRLHQPVVLTDHVVPLCLPERTFSERTLAFVRFSLVSGWGQLLDRGATALELMVLNVPRLMTQDCLQQSRKVGDSPNITEYMFCAGYSDGSKDSCKGDSGGPHATHYRGTWYLTGIVSWGQGCATVGHFGVYTRVSQYIEWLQKLMRSEPRPGVLLRAPFP NANANANANA5 hCoagulation factor VII is human serine protease type enzyme that is involved in the extrinsic coagulation cascade which results in blood clotting.May be administered in cases of uncontrolled bleeding. Factor VII alone can be used in the treatment of congenital hemophilia A or B, acquired hemophilia, congenital factor VII deficiency, and Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. Off label use in the treatment of refractory bleeding after cardiac surgery and warfarin related intracerebral hemorrhage. Brands for human factor VII are currently only in combination with other vitamin K coagulation factors and can be used to reverse vitamin K antagonist activity in patients with acute major bleeds or for urgent surgery/invasive procedures.Human Factor VII complexes with tissue factor resulting in its activation to VIIa. It is the activated Factor VIIa that then binds to Factor X activating it to Factor Xa, as well as coagulation Factor IX is activated to Factor IXa. Factor Xa continues the coagulation cascade to eventually convert prothrombin to thrombin, which leads to the formation of a clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin.Factor VII is required in the extrinsic clotting cascade. When there is vascular damage tissue factor (TF) is released which then interacts with Factor VII resulting in the formation of the activated complex VIIa. Factor VIIa then continues to activate coagulation factors in the cascade until a clot is formed.No evidence of toxicity. Adverse effect of excessive clotting in certain individuals.Degraded by catabolismNo absorption since given IV.45 ml/kg7.4 ml/kghBlood ProteinsNANANANATissue factor,Coagulation factor X,Coagulation factor IXOctaplexOctapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges M B HOctapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges M B HIntravenousNANAImmune system disorders; General disorders and administration site conditions; Vascular disorders; Nervous system disorders;NANANANALinkLinkNA
15106Th1566Coagulation factor VII human>Th1566_Coagulation_factor_VII_human MVSQALRLLCLLLGLQGCLAAGGVAKASGGETRDMPWKPGPHRVFVTQEEAHGVLHRRRRANAFLEELRPGSLERECKEEQCSFEEAREIFKDAERTKLFWISYSDGDQCASSPCQNGGSCKDQLQSYICFCLPAFEGRNCETHKDDQLICVNENGGCEQYCSDHTGTKRSCRCHEGYSLLADGVSCTPTVEYPCGKIPILEKRNASKPQGRIVGGKVCPKGECPWQVLLLVNGAQLCGGTLINTIWVVSAAHCFDKIKNWRNLIAVLGEHDLSEHDGDEQSRRVAQVIIPSTYVPGTTNHDIALLRLHQPVVLTDHVVPLCLPERTFSERTLAFVRFSLVSGWGQLLDRGATALELMVLNVPRLMTQDCLQQSRKVGDSPNITEYMFCAGYSDGSKDSCKGDSGGPHATHYRGTWYLTGIVSWGQGCATVGHFGVYTRVSQYIEWLQKLMRSEPRPGVLLRAPFP NANANANANA5 hCoagulation factor VII is human serine protease type enzyme that is involved in the extrinsic coagulation cascade which results in blood clotting.May be administered in cases of uncontrolled bleeding. Factor VII alone can be used in the treatment of congenital hemophilia A or B, acquired hemophilia, congenital factor VII deficiency, and Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. Off label use in the treatment of refractory bleeding after cardiac surgery and warfarin related intracerebral hemorrhage. Brands for human factor VII are currently only in combination with other vitamin K coagulation factors and can be used to reverse vitamin K antagonist activity in patients with acute major bleeds or for urgent surgery/invasive procedures.Human Factor VII complexes with tissue factor resulting in its activation to VIIa. It is the activated Factor VIIa that then binds to Factor X activating it to Factor Xa, as well as coagulation Factor IX is activated to Factor IXa. Factor Xa continues the coagulation cascade to eventually convert prothrombin to thrombin, which leads to the formation of a clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin.Factor VII is required in the extrinsic clotting cascade. When there is vascular damage tissue factor (TF) is released which then interacts with Factor VII resulting in the formation of the activated complex VIIa. Factor VIIa then continues to activate coagulation factors in the cascade until a clot is formed.No evidence of toxicity. Adverse effect of excessive clotting in certain individuals.Degraded by catabolismNo absorption since given IV.45 ml/kg7.4 ml/kghEnzyme PrecursorsNANANANATissue factor,Coagulation factor X,Coagulation factor IXNANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
15107Th1566Coagulation factor VII human>Th1566_Coagulation_factor_VII_human MVSQALRLLCLLLGLQGCLAAGGVAKASGGETRDMPWKPGPHRVFVTQEEAHGVLHRRRRANAFLEELRPGSLERECKEEQCSFEEAREIFKDAERTKLFWISYSDGDQCASSPCQNGGSCKDQLQSYICFCLPAFEGRNCETHKDDQLICVNENGGCEQYCSDHTGTKRSCRCHEGYSLLADGVSCTPTVEYPCGKIPILEKRNASKPQGRIVGGKVCPKGECPWQVLLLVNGAQLCGGTLINTIWVVSAAHCFDKIKNWRNLIAVLGEHDLSEHDGDEQSRRVAQVIIPSTYVPGTTNHDIALLRLHQPVVLTDHVVPLCLPERTFSERTLAFVRFSLVSGWGQLLDRGATALELMVLNVPRLMTQDCLQQSRKVGDSPNITEYMFCAGYSDGSKDSCKGDSGGPHATHYRGTWYLTGIVSWGQGCATVGHFGVYTRVSQYIEWLQKLMRSEPRPGVLLRAPFP NANANANANA5 hCoagulation factor VII is human serine protease type enzyme that is involved in the extrinsic coagulation cascade which results in blood clotting.May be administered in cases of uncontrolled bleeding. Factor VII alone can be used in the treatment of congenital hemophilia A or B, acquired hemophilia, congenital factor VII deficiency, and Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. Off label use in the treatment of refractory bleeding after cardiac surgery and warfarin related intracerebral hemorrhage. Brands for human factor VII are currently only in combination with other vitamin K coagulation factors and can be used to reverse vitamin K antagonist activity in patients with acute major bleeds or for urgent surgery/invasive procedures.Human Factor VII complexes with tissue factor resulting in its activation to VIIa. It is the activated Factor VIIa that then binds to Factor X activating it to Factor Xa, as well as coagulation Factor IX is activated to Factor IXa. Factor Xa continues the coagulation cascade to eventually convert prothrombin to thrombin, which leads to the formation of a clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin.Factor VII is required in the extrinsic clotting cascade. When there is vascular damage tissue factor (TF) is released which then interacts with Factor VII resulting in the formation of the activated complex VIIa. Factor VIIa then continues to activate coagulation factors in the cascade until a clot is formed.No evidence of toxicity. Adverse effect of excessive clotting in certain individuals.Degraded by catabolismNo absorption since given IV.45 ml/kg7.4 ml/kghEnzymes and CoenzymesNANANANATissue factor,Coagulation factor X,Coagulation factor IXNANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
15108Th1566Coagulation factor VII human>Th1566_Coagulation_factor_VII_human MVSQALRLLCLLLGLQGCLAAGGVAKASGGETRDMPWKPGPHRVFVTQEEAHGVLHRRRRANAFLEELRPGSLERECKEEQCSFEEAREIFKDAERTKLFWISYSDGDQCASSPCQNGGSCKDQLQSYICFCLPAFEGRNCETHKDDQLICVNENGGCEQYCSDHTGTKRSCRCHEGYSLLADGVSCTPTVEYPCGKIPILEKRNASKPQGRIVGGKVCPKGECPWQVLLLVNGAQLCGGTLINTIWVVSAAHCFDKIKNWRNLIAVLGEHDLSEHDGDEQSRRVAQVIIPSTYVPGTTNHDIALLRLHQPVVLTDHVVPLCLPERTFSERTLAFVRFSLVSGWGQLLDRGATALELMVLNVPRLMTQDCLQQSRKVGDSPNITEYMFCAGYSDGSKDSCKGDSGGPHATHYRGTWYLTGIVSWGQGCATVGHFGVYTRVSQYIEWLQKLMRSEPRPGVLLRAPFP NANANANANA5 hCoagulation factor VII is human serine protease type enzyme that is involved in the extrinsic coagulation cascade which results in blood clotting.May be administered in cases of uncontrolled bleeding. Factor VII alone can be used in the treatment of congenital hemophilia A or B, acquired hemophilia, congenital factor VII deficiency, and Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. Off label use in the treatment of refractory bleeding after cardiac surgery and warfarin related intracerebral hemorrhage. Brands for human factor VII are currently only in combination with other vitamin K coagulation factors and can be used to reverse vitamin K antagonist activity in patients with acute major bleeds or for urgent surgery/invasive procedures.Human Factor VII complexes with tissue factor resulting in its activation to VIIa. It is the activated Factor VIIa that then binds to Factor X activating it to Factor Xa, as well as coagulation Factor IX is activated to Factor IXa. Factor Xa continues the coagulation cascade to eventually convert prothrombin to thrombin, which leads to the formation of a clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin.Factor VII is required in the extrinsic clotting cascade. When there is vascular damage tissue factor (TF) is released which then interacts with Factor VII resulting in the formation of the activated complex VIIa. Factor VIIa then continues to activate coagulation factors in the cascade until a clot is formed.No evidence of toxicity. Adverse effect of excessive clotting in certain individuals.Degraded by catabolismNo absorption since given IV.45 ml/kg7.4 ml/kghHemostaticsNANANANATissue factor,Coagulation factor X,Coagulation factor IXNANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
15109Th1566Coagulation factor VII human>Th1566_Coagulation_factor_VII_human MVSQALRLLCLLLGLQGCLAAGGVAKASGGETRDMPWKPGPHRVFVTQEEAHGVLHRRRRANAFLEELRPGSLERECKEEQCSFEEAREIFKDAERTKLFWISYSDGDQCASSPCQNGGSCKDQLQSYICFCLPAFEGRNCETHKDDQLICVNENGGCEQYCSDHTGTKRSCRCHEGYSLLADGVSCTPTVEYPCGKIPILEKRNASKPQGRIVGGKVCPKGECPWQVLLLVNGAQLCGGTLINTIWVVSAAHCFDKIKNWRNLIAVLGEHDLSEHDGDEQSRRVAQVIIPSTYVPGTTNHDIALLRLHQPVVLTDHVVPLCLPERTFSERTLAFVRFSLVSGWGQLLDRGATALELMVLNVPRLMTQDCLQQSRKVGDSPNITEYMFCAGYSDGSKDSCKGDSGGPHATHYRGTWYLTGIVSWGQGCATVGHFGVYTRVSQYIEWLQKLMRSEPRPGVLLRAPFP NANANANANA5 hCoagulation factor VII is human serine protease type enzyme that is involved in the extrinsic coagulation cascade which results in blood clotting.May be administered in cases of uncontrolled bleeding. Factor VII alone can be used in the treatment of congenital hemophilia A or B, acquired hemophilia, congenital factor VII deficiency, and Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. Off label use in the treatment of refractory bleeding after cardiac surgery and warfarin related intracerebral hemorrhage. Brands for human factor VII are currently only in combination with other vitamin K coagulation factors and can be used to reverse vitamin K antagonist activity in patients with acute major bleeds or for urgent surgery/invasive procedures.Human Factor VII complexes with tissue factor resulting in its activation to VIIa. It is the activated Factor VIIa that then binds to Factor X activating it to Factor Xa, as well as coagulation Factor IX is activated to Factor IXa. Factor Xa continues the coagulation cascade to eventually convert prothrombin to thrombin, which leads to the formation of a clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin.Factor VII is required in the extrinsic clotting cascade. When there is vascular damage tissue factor (TF) is released which then interacts with Factor VII resulting in the formation of the activated complex VIIa. Factor VIIa then continues to activate coagulation factors in the cascade until a clot is formed.No evidence of toxicity. Adverse effect of excessive clotting in certain individuals.Degraded by catabolismNo absorption since given IV.45 ml/kg7.4 ml/kghIncreased Coagulation ActivityNANANANATissue factor,Coagulation factor X,Coagulation factor IXNANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
15110Th1566Coagulation factor VII human>Th1566_Coagulation_factor_VII_human MVSQALRLLCLLLGLQGCLAAGGVAKASGGETRDMPWKPGPHRVFVTQEEAHGVLHRRRRANAFLEELRPGSLERECKEEQCSFEEAREIFKDAERTKLFWISYSDGDQCASSPCQNGGSCKDQLQSYICFCLPAFEGRNCETHKDDQLICVNENGGCEQYCSDHTGTKRSCRCHEGYSLLADGVSCTPTVEYPCGKIPILEKRNASKPQGRIVGGKVCPKGECPWQVLLLVNGAQLCGGTLINTIWVVSAAHCFDKIKNWRNLIAVLGEHDLSEHDGDEQSRRVAQVIIPSTYVPGTTNHDIALLRLHQPVVLTDHVVPLCLPERTFSERTLAFVRFSLVSGWGQLLDRGATALELMVLNVPRLMTQDCLQQSRKVGDSPNITEYMFCAGYSDGSKDSCKGDSGGPHATHYRGTWYLTGIVSWGQGCATVGHFGVYTRVSQYIEWLQKLMRSEPRPGVLLRAPFP NANANANANA5 hCoagulation factor VII is human serine protease type enzyme that is involved in the extrinsic coagulation cascade which results in blood clotting.May be administered in cases of uncontrolled bleeding. Factor VII alone can be used in the treatment of congenital hemophilia A or B, acquired hemophilia, congenital factor VII deficiency, and Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. Off label use in the treatment of refractory bleeding after cardiac surgery and warfarin related intracerebral hemorrhage. Brands for human factor VII are currently only in combination with other vitamin K coagulation factors and can be used to reverse vitamin K antagonist activity in patients with acute major bleeds or for urgent surgery/invasive procedures.Human Factor VII complexes with tissue factor resulting in its activation to VIIa. It is the activated Factor VIIa that then binds to Factor X activating it to Factor Xa, as well as coagulation Factor IX is activated to Factor IXa. Factor Xa continues the coagulation cascade to eventually convert prothrombin to thrombin, which leads to the formation of a clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin.Factor VII is required in the extrinsic clotting cascade. When there is vascular damage tissue factor (TF) is released which then interacts with Factor VII resulting in the formation of the activated complex VIIa. Factor VIIa then continues to activate coagulation factors in the cascade until a clot is formed.No evidence of toxicity. Adverse effect of excessive clotting in certain individuals.Degraded by catabolismNo absorption since given IV.45 ml/kg7.4 ml/kghProteinsNANANANATissue factor,Coagulation factor X,Coagulation factor IXNANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
16216Th1729FX06>Th1729_FX06 MKHLLLLLLCVFLVKSQGVNDNEEGFFS NANANANANANAFX06 is a naturally occurring peptide derived from the neo-N-terminus of fibrin (Bbeta(15-42)). It prevents leukocyte migration through the gap junctions of endothelial cells. FX06 has proven safe in acute and subchronic toxicological studies and recently entered clinical development. It is being developed by Fibrex Medical Inc.Investigated for use/treatment in cardiac reperfusion injury and myocardial infarction.NAFX06 has a novel mechanism of action: it is a competitive inhibitor of the binding of fibrin E1 fragments to vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin. Through this inhibition, it potently blocks the transmigration of inflammatory leukocytes through the endothelial barrier and prevents the downstream release of tissue-damaging mediators.NANANANANANANANANANACadherin-5NANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
16243Th1756ACY001NA NANANANANANA0Investigated for use/treatment in cardiac ischemia and cardiovascular disorders.NAHemangioblasts are stem cells which can differentiate into hematopoietic cells (blood cells)and angiogenic (blood vessel endothelium forming) cells. These cells are being investigated for use in repairing damaged cardiac tissue and preventing the deteriation of the retina in diabetic retinopathy.NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA