Browse result page of PRRDB 2.0

ST_IDName of ReceptorPDBIDOrganismDescription
ST_1028SR-BI 3NGHMus musculusMolecular Analysis of the Interaction of the HDL Receptor SR-BI with the Adaptor Protein PDZK1
ST_1029SR-BI 3R69Mus musculusMolecular analysis of the interaction of the HDL-receptor SR-BI with the PDZ3 domain of its adaptor protein PDZK1
ST_1719SR-BI 3NGHMus musculusMolecular Analysis of the Interaction of the HDL Receptor SR-BI with the Adaptor Protein PDZK1
ST_1720SR-BI 3R69Mus musculusMolecular analysis of the interaction of the HDL-receptor SR-BI with the PDZ3 domain of its adaptor protein PDZK1