Statistics of ProCanBio

ProCanBio contains information about 1497 unique biomarkers from 412 published papers. It contains 2053 entries about various biomarkers regarding Prostate cancer. The following page contains various statistics regarding the biomarkers in ProCanBio.

SOURCES OF BIOMARKERS: Biomarkers were extracted from various sources such as tissue, serum, urine, plasma etc. 1069 markers were extracted from tissue, 354 from Serum, 245 from Blood, 170 from Urine and 137 from Plasma and 51 from Cell Lines. Other sources included Bone Marrow, Semen, Extra Prostatic Secretions etc.

BIOMARKERS BASIS (OF MEASUREMENT): Biomarkers were evaluated either on the basis of Expression, Methylation, Mutation or Concentration. Distribution is mentioned as follows – Expression Based (n=1286), Concentration Based (n=378), Mutation Based (n=157) and methylation Based (n=218).

BIOMOLECULES OF BIOMARKERS: Different types of Biomarkers are included in ProCanBio, such as DNA, RNA, Proteins, miRNAs, Metabolites, etc. Others include Lipids, Fatty acids, CTCs etc.

TYPE OF BIOMARKERS: Biomarkers are basically of three types, Diagnostic (n=1077), Prognostic (n=903), Predictive (n=68) and potential predictive (n=5) (those biomarkers which not have been validated on human patient cohort, and only performed on cell lines or rats and mice).
