PhageTB - Phage based therapy against Bacteria

Welcome to Phage-host interaction prediction page

This module predicts whether a given query phage-host pair is likely to interact based on their genome sequences. The host of the query phage is predicted using the host prediction module and the genome sequences of the predicted and query host are aligned using BLAST. The users can paste the genome sequences of the query phage and bacteria or upload them using .FASTA files containing the sequences and select the prediction levels from the available 4 options - BLASTPhage, BLASTHost, Integrated Model, CRISPRPred (For more information on each of the modules hover over in the “Select prediction levels from the model” section) and the BLAST e-value threshold. The predictions will be made using the selected modules and then the BLAST alignment task using the e-value threshold. For more information please visit HELP.

Type or paste genome sequence of the phage in single letter code (in FASTA format):     

OR Submit sequence file:  

Type or paste genome sequence of the bacteria in single letter code (in FASTA format):     

OR Submit sequence file:  

Select prediction levels from the model and e-value threshold for final prediction:
 BLASTPhage      BLASTHost      Integrated model      CRISPRPred