Detailed description page of ImmunoSPdb

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1091 details
Primary information
Peptide NameTransforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFβ1)
Sequencenot available
N-terminal ModificationNone
C-terminal ModificationNone
Chemical ModificationNone
Linear/ CyclicLinear
NatureProtein Derived
Source of OriginHuman melanoma cell line
Mechanism of ActionThe immunosuppressive peptide TGFβ1 was inhibited in a human melanoma cell line transduced with IL-7
In vitro/In vivoBoth
Cell LineM- 14 and M-24
Inhibition ConcentartionNA
In vivo ModelCongenitally athymic (nu/nu) BALB/c mice
AssayTGFβ1 bioassay
Lethal DoseNA
Combination TherapyNA
Pubmed ID8260705
Year of Publication1993
3-D StructureNA