Detailed description page of ImmunoSPdb

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1036 details
Primary information
Peptide NameCyclosporin A
N-terminal ModificationNone
C-terminal ModificationNone
Chemical ModificationBmt = butenyl-methyl-threonine, Abu = L-alpha-aminobutyric acid, Sar = sarcosine, N(Me) = Amino acid is N-methylated
Linear/ CyclicCyclic
Source of OriginFrom fungus Trichoderma polysporum
TargetInhibit IL-2 production by activated CD4+ T-cells
Mechanism of ActionInhibiting the calcineurin pathway
In vitro/In vivoBoth
Cell LinePeripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)
Inhibition Concentartion61.8 nM for CD4+ T cell activation of IL-2 production
In vivo ModelC57/B6 mice
AssayMIC assay, Immunosuppression and toxicity test
Lethal DoseNA
Combination TherapyNA
Pubmed ID18599825
Year of Publication2008
3-D StructureNA