il2pred - Prediction of interleukin-2 inducing peptides

Scanning of Toxic or Non-Toxic region in a Protein using ToxinPred

Prediction of interleukin-2 in a Protein

This page is intended to help users identify highly il2 inducing regions within a given protein sequence. The tool predicts and highlights regions in the protein that contribute to toxicity, which can then be potentially modified or removed. Conversely, users can also input a protein sequence to discover novel il2 inducing peptides. The tool generates fragments of a user-selected length and predicts their inducing peptides. For additional information, please refer to the help page.

Paste protein sequences (Fasta format):

Or upload peptide sequence file in fasta format:

Select Job Type

 Il2 versus Il2 non-inducer       Il2 versus mhc non-binder       Il2 versus random     

Select Machine Learning Technique used for developing model

 ET       Hybrid (ET + MERCI)     

Choose peptide fragment length: (Select fragment length in which you want to fragment your protein.)

Select the Threshold value:

Enter email address[optional]:
(Enter email if you want to receive your result via email)

Show Results

 Tabular       Graphical     


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