il2pred - Prediction of interleukin-2 inducing peptides

Designing of interleukin-2 peptides

This page allows users to submit single or multiple sequences in FASTA format, server will design the interleukin-2 peptides from their primary sequence. It will generate all possible mutants peptides with a single mutation which are further predicted using the model. For more information see help page.

Paste protein sequences (Fasta format):

Or upload protein sequence file in fasta format:

Select Job Type

 Il2 versus Il2 non-inducer       Il2 versus mhc non-binder       Il2 versus random    

Select Machine Learning Technique used for developing model

 ET       hybrid (ET + MERCI)     

Select the Threshold value:

Enter email address[optional]:
(Enter email if you want to receive your result via email)


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