Detailed description page of ThPDB2

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10056 details
Primary information
Therapeutic IDTh1009
Protein NameAlteplase
Molecular Weight59042.3
Chemical FormulaC2569H3928N746O781S40
Isoelectric Point7.61
Melting point60
DescriptionGlycosylated, human tissue plasminogen activator of 527 residues purified from CHO cells.
Indication/DiseaseTo manage acute myocardial infarction, acute ischemic stroke and for lysis of acute pulmonary emboli
PharmacodynamicsAlteplase binds to fibrin in a thrombus and converts the entrapped plasminogen to plasmin, thus limited conversion of plasminogen takes place in the absence of fibrin.
Mechanism of ActionAlteplase on binding to fibrin rich clots via the fibronectin finger-like domain and the Kringle 2 domain cleaves (domain) the Arg/Val bond in plasminogen to form plasmin which in turn degrades the fibrin matrix of the thrombus, thereby exerting its thrombolytic action.
CategoriesAgents causing angioedema, Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins, Anticoagulants, Blood and Blood Forming Organs, Blood Proteins, Cardiovascular Agents, Endopeptidases, Enzymes, Enzymes and Coenzymes, Fibrin Modulating Agents, Fibrinolytic Agents, Hematologic Agents, Hydrolases, Ophthalmologicals, Peptide Hydrolases, Plasminogen Activators, Proteins, Sensory Organs, Serine Endopeptidases, Serine Proteases, Tissue Plasminogen Activator, Tissue Plasminogen Activator, antagonists & inhibitors
Patents NumberNA
Date of IssueNA
Date of ExpiryNA
Drug InteractionIV nitroglycerin may decrease the effect of alteplase.
Brand NameCathflo
CompanyHoffmann La Roche
Brand DescriptionHoffmann La Roche
Prescribed ForNA
Chemical NameNA
Physical Appearance NA
Route of AdministrationNA
Recommended DosageNA
ContraindicationHave active internal bleeding, history of stroke, recent brain or spinal surgery (within 3 months), a growth in the brain, abnormal formation of blood vessels.
Side EffectsBlack or bloody stools; bloody vomit; change in color of your fingers or toes; changes in vision; chills; coughing up blood; decreased amount of urine produced; difficulty breathing or sudden shortness of breath; difficulty swallowing.
Useful Link 1Link
Useful Link 2NA