Detailed description page of PRRDB2.0

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PRRID_2471 details
Primary information
Ligand NameNA
Sourcewhite spot syndrome virus (WSSV)
Sequence of ligandNA
TypePattern-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
Role of LigandImmunostimulant
Name of receptorPcToll4
Type of receptorToll-like receptor (TLR)
Source Procambarus clarkii
LocalizationAll tested tissue
DomainA single peptide, 13 LRR domains, 3 LRR TYP domains, 2 LRR CT do- mains, an LRR NT domain, a transmembrane region, and a TIR domain.
Sequence of ReceptorNA
Swiss prot IDNA
Length Of ReceptorNA
Functionregulates the expressions of AMPs against WSSV
Assay usedqRT-PCR
Year of Publication2017
Pubchem assayNA
Primary information
Ligand NameNA
Sourcewhite spot syndrome virus (WSSV)
Sequence of ligandNA
TypePattern-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
Role of LigandImmunostimulant
Name of receptorPcToll4
Type of receptorToll-like receptor (TLR)
Source Procambarus clarkii
LocalizationAll tested tissue
DomainA single peptide, 13 LRR domains, 3 LRR TYP domains, 2 LRR CT do- mains, an LRR NT domain, a transmembrane region, and a TIR domain.
Sequence of ReceptorNA
Swiss prot IDNA
Length Of ReceptorNA
Functionregulates the expressions of AMPs against WSSV
Assay usedqRT-PCR
Year of Publication2017
Pubchem assayNA