Browse By Cell Line Result Page of OvirusTdb

The total number of records retrieved from this search are 34. Click on ID to see further detail.
IDVirus nameVirus strainVirus genome typeVirus familyVirus genome modificationVirus aloneVirus in combination with drug/radiationImmune gene insertion in viral genomeSource of cell lineOrigin of cell lineCell lineConcentration of cell lineIn-vitro toxicityAssayIn-vitro virus concentrationIn-vitro resultModel organismIn-vivo virus concentrationIn-vivo toxicityIn-vivo resultMode of deliveryPathway inducedImmunogenic effectClinical trialPMID
OV_3314ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T1LRNAReoviridaeMutant in L1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay10 pfu70% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3315ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T1LRNAReoviridaeMutant in L1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay100 pfu50% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3316ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T1LRNAReoviridaeMutant in L1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay1000 pfu30% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3317ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T1LRNAReoviridaeMutant in L1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay10 pfu80% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3318ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T1LRNAReoviridaeMutant in L1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay100 pfu30% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3319ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T1LRNAReoviridaeMutant in L1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay1000 pfu10% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3320ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T1LRNAReoviridaeMutant in L1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay10 pfu20% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3321ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T1LRNAReoviridaeMutant in L1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay100 pfu5% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3322ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T1LRNAReoviridaeMutant in L1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay1000 pfu100% cell killing after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3323ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T3LRNAReoviridaeSubstitution mutant in T3 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay10 pfu80% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3324ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T3LRNAReoviridaeSubstitution mutant in T3 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay100 pfu70% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3325ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T3LRNAReoviridaeSubstitution mutant in T3 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay1000 pfu70% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3326ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T3LRNAReoviridaeSubstitution mutant in T3 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay10 pfu100% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3327ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T3LRNAReoviridaeSubstitution mutant in T3 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay100 pfu80% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3328ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T3LRNAReoviridaeSubstitution mutant in T3 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay1000 pfu70% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3329ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T3LRNAReoviridaeSubstitution mutant in T3 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay10 pfu100% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3330ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T3LRNAReoviridaeSubstitution mutant in T3 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay100 pfu50% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3331ReovirusRecombinant reovirus T3LRNAReoviridaeSubstitution mutant in T3 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+4 cells per wellNACell-titer-glo assay1000 pfu50% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA28587298
OV_3482AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay25 MOI90% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3483AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay50 MOI75% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3484AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay100 MOI60% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3485AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus in combination with cisplatin (4 microgram/ml)NoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay100 MOI35% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3486AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay25 MOI85% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3487AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay50 MOI70% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3488AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay100 MOI50% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3489AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus in combination with cisplatin (4 microgram/ml)NoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay100 MOI25% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3490AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay25 MOI80% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3491AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay50 MOI70% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3492AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay100 MOI50% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3493AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus in combination with cisplatin (4 microgram/ml)NoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay100 MOI25% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3494AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay25 MOI75% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3495AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay50 MOI60% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3496AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay100 MOI45% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457
OV_3497AdenovirusAdenovirus CRAdsDNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus in combination with cisplatin (4 microgram/ml)NoCell collection centre chinaHuman lung cancer cell lineH6611.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTS assay100 MOI25% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28638457