Browse By Assay Result Page of OvirusTdb

The total number record retrieved from this search are 100. Click on ID to see further detail.
IDVirus nameVirus strainVirus genome typeVirus familyVirus genome modificationVirus aloneVirus in combination with drug/radiationImmune gene insertion in viral genomeSource of cell lineOrigin of cell lineCell lineConcentration of cell lineIn-vitro toxicityAssayIn-vitro virus concentrationIn-vitro resultModel organismIn-vivo virus concentrationIn-vivo toxicityIn-vivo resultMode of deliveryPathway inducedImmunogenic effectClinical trialPMID
OV_2594AdenovirusAd.enAFP-E1A-delta-E1B-IL-24DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of E1A, E1B and addition of AFP and IL-24YesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman liver cancer cell lineHep3B5.0E+4 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining1 MOISome cells are viableNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis in cancerUpregulation of GADD34NA22790965
OV_2595AdenovirusAd.enAFP-E1A-delta-E1B-IL-24DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of E1A, E1B and addition of AFP and IL-24YesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman liver cancer cell lineHep3B5.0E+4 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining10 MOI100% cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis in cancerUpregulation of GADD34NA22790965
OV_2596AdenovirusAd.enAFP-E1A-delta-E1B-IL-24DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of E1A, E1B and addition of AFP and IL-24YesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman liver cancer cell lineHep3B5.0E+4 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining100 MOI100% cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis in cancerUpregulation of GADD34NA22790965
OV_2597AdenovirusAd.enAFP-E1A-delta-E1B-IL-24DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of E1A, E1B and addition of AFP and IL-24YesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman liver cancer cell linePLC5.0E+4 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining0.1 MOI100% cells viavilityNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis in cancerUpregulation of GADD34NA22790965
OV_2598AdenovirusAd.enAFP-E1A-delta-E1B-IL-24DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of E1A, E1B and addition of AFP and IL-24YesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman liver cancer cell linePLC5.0E+4 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining1 MOISome cells are viableNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis in cancerUpregulation of GADD34NA22790965
OV_2599AdenovirusAd.enAFP-E1A-delta-E1B-IL-24DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of E1A, E1B and addition of AFP and IL-24YesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman liver cancer cell linePLC5.0E+4 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining10 MOI100% cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis in cancerUpregulation of GADD34NA22790965
OV_2600AdenovirusAd.enAFP-E1A-delta-E1B-IL-24DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of E1A, E1B and addition of AFP and IL-24YesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman liver cancer cell linePLC5.0E+4 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining100 MOI100% cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis in cancerUpregulation of GADD34NA22790965
OV_2601AdenovirusAd.enAFP-E1A-delta-E1B-IL-24DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of E1A, E1B and addition of AFP and IL-24YesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman liver cancer cell lineHuh-75.0E+4 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining0.1 MOI100% cells viavilityNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis in cancerUpregulation of GADD34NA22790965
OV_2602AdenovirusAd.enAFP-E1A-delta-E1B-IL-24DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of E1A, E1B and addition of AFP and IL-24YesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman liver cancer cell lineHuh-75.0E+4 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining1 MOISome cells are viableNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis in cancerUpregulation of GADD34NA22790965
OV_2603AdenovirusAd.enAFP-E1A-delta-E1B-IL-24DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of E1A, E1B and addition of AFP and IL-24YesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman liver cancer cell lineHuh-75.0E+4 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining10 MOI100% cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis in cancerUpregulation of GADD34NA22790965
OV_2604AdenovirusAd.enAFP-E1A-delta-E1B-IL-24DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of E1A, E1B and addition of AFP and IL-24YesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman liver cancer cell lineHuh-75.0E+4 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining100 MOI100% cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis in cancerUpregulation of GADD34NA22790965
OV_2775AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineNCI-H460NANACrystal violet staining0.1 MOIModerate cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2776AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineNCI-H460NANACrystal violet staining0.5 MOIModerate cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2777AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineNCI-H460NANACrystal violet staining1 MOISignificant cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2778AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineNCI-H460NANACrystal violet staining5 MOIAll cells was deadNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2779AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineNCI-H460NANACrystal violet staining10 MOIAll cells was deadNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2780AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineA549NANACrystal violet staining0.1 MOINo cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2781AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineA549NANACrystal violet staining0.5 MOINo cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2782AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineA549NANACrystal violet staining1 MOINo cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2783AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineA549NANACrystal violet staining5 MOIModerate cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2784AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineA549NANACrystal violet staining10 MOIAll cell was deadNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2785AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH-1299NANACrystal violet staining0.1 MOINo cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2786AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH-1299NANACrystal violet staining0.5 MOINo cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2787AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH-1299NANACrystal violet staining1 MOINo cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2788AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH-1299NANACrystal violet staining5 MOIModerate cell deathNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_2789AdenovirusAd.sp-E1A-TSLC1DNAAdenoviridaeDeletion of 24bp with in E1A gene and insertion of TSLC1 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineH-1299NANACrystal violet staining10 MOIAll cell was deadNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apotosis by virus in cancer cell line as measured by TUNEL assayNANA23503473
OV_3177Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI60% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3178Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI50% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3179Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI30% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3180Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI30% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3181Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI30% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3182Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI30% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3183Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3184Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI50% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3185Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI50% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3186Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI40% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3187Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI40% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3188Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI25% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3189Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3190Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI50% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3191Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI45% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3192Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI45% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3193Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI40% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3194Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI45% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3195Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI55% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3196Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI25% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3197Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3198Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3199Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3200Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3201Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI20% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3202Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3203Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3204Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3205Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3206Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman edwig sarcoma cell lineRD-ES90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3207Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3208Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3209Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3210Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3211Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3212Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3213Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3214Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3215Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3216Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3217Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3218Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3219Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3220Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI73% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3221Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI60% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3222Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI55% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3223Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI50% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3224Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI40% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3225Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI70% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3226Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI25% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3227Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI25% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3228Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI20% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3229Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI20% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3230Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3231Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3232Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI50% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3233Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI30% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3234Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI20% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3235Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3236Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman bone osteosarcoma cell line143-B90% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3237Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3238Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3239Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3240Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3241Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI90% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3242Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3243Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3244Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3245Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3246Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3247Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3248Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3249Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3250Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891