Designing IFN-γ inducing peptides (Mouse)

This module developed for producing all possible alternate/mutants of a protein. The new peptide is formed by mutating a single residue at a time. It can also provide a prediction score, to identify the peptide can induce IFN-γ region. Users can also sort the prediction score to find the highest scored/best mutant peptide, which can induce IFN-γ production. Further, the user can also generate several mutant peptides of the given sequence. It allows the user to design the best mutant with the highest score and can induce IFN-γ secretion.

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Type or paste peptide sequence(s) in single letter code (in FASTA format):


OR   Submit sequence file:  
Select Prediction Model:
DPC based ET-model   Hybrid (DPC + BLAST)  

Choose Probability Threshold For DPC based ET-model:  

Physicochemical Properties to Be Displayed :

 Hydrophobicity    Steric hinderance    Side bulk    Hydropathicity    Amphipathicity   

 Hydrophilicity     Net Hydrogen     Charge     pI     Molecular weight