Important Functional Resources Related to Genomic Instability
This page provides link to important resources available on Internet. These resources/databases maintain information related to human chromosome.
Site/Database | Brief Description |
TICdb | A database of Translocation breakpoints In Cancer, contains 1,374 fusion sequences found in human tumors. |
HYBRIDdb | An integrated database for genome-wide hybrid genes in humans. |
dbCRID | A database of chromosomal rearrangements in human diseases, contain 2643 records of disease-associated CR events. |
ChimerDB 3.0 | An enhanced database for fusion genes from cancer transcriptome and literature data mining. |
DECIPHER | A database of Chromosomal Imbalance and Phenotype in Humans Using Ensembl Resources. |
DACRO | A database of all published chromosomal rearrangements that are associated with an abnormal phenotype. |
Mitelman | A database of Chromosome Aberrations and Gene Fusions in Cancer related to tumor characteristics. |
ChiTaRS 2.1 | The improved database of chimeric transcript and RNA-Seq data. |
Quiver Fusion Database | A database of 9,368 gene fusion partners and 10,869 unique breakpoints derived from literature. |
COSMIC | A catalogue of somatic mutation in cancer,world's largest and most comprehensive resource for exploring the impact of somatic mutations in human cancer. |
cBioPortal | Provides visualization, analysis and download of large-scale cancer genomics data sets. |
UCSC Xena | Analyze and visualize genomics data sets. |
GDSC | Identifying molecular features of cancers that predict response to anti-cancer drugs. |
canSAR | Multidisciplinary information; drug discovery. |
miRBase | A databse of miRNA. |
DisGeNET | A larget repository of genes and variants associated to human diseases. |
CTLPScanner | A web server for chromothripsis-like pattern detection. |
QmRLFS-finder | A web server and stand-alone tool for prediction and analysis of R-loop forming sequences. |
Spectral Repeat Finder | A webserver for identification of repititve sequences using fourier transformation. |