Download Datasets of HumCFS: A Database of Human Chromosomal Fragile Sites

User can download the bed format, text format and gff3 files of fragile site genes and miRNA's.

HumCFS bed format files

DescriptionFragile site bed filesChromosome wise gene centric bed fileFragile site wise gene centric bed files
Here we have provided bed format files for different categories. Description of the columns present in the bed file is given below:
column-1: provide information of chromosome
column-2 & 3: provide information of genomic location
column-4: provide information of gene name (HGNC symbol)
column-5: consists of score to be used in track line attribute
column-6: provide information of genomic strand from which the gene is transcribed.




HumCFS text format files

DescriptionChromosome centric text filesFragile site gene centric text filesHuman mature miRNA text file
Here we have provided text files for the different categories.




HumCFS gff3 format files

DescriptionFragile site gff3 files
Here we have provided gff3 format files for fragile sites with additional information in comparision to bed files. Description of the columns present in the gff3 file is given below:
column-1: provide information of name of chromosome
column-2 : provide information on data source type
column-3: provide information on type of feature, in this case fragile site
column-4 % 5: provides start and end position of the feature
column-6,7 & 8: left empty but may provide information about score and phase.
column-9:a semicolon-separated list of tag-value pairs, providing additional information about each features which includes fragile site name,inducer, cytoband and frequency.
