Browse result page of FermFooDB Database

This is the result page of browse. This page gives the information about peptides returned against the selected category. Further details of the peptide can be seen by clicking on the FMDB_ID. Further the user can sort the peptides on the basis of various fields by clicking on the respective headers.

The total number entries retrieved from this search are 3

FMDB_IDPubMed IDReferenceTitlePeptide_SequenceSequenceLength of peptideFood_Matrix Protein pHTemperatureIncubation TimeActivityExperimentModelAssay for Activity MeasurementCultureHydrolysisMethod of analysisM_Z ratioMassIC50
FMDB186NAhatmi16Identification of bioactive peptides derived from Caseins,glycosylation-dependent cell adhesion molecule-1 (GlyCAM-1), and peptidoglycan recognition protein-1 (PGRP-1) in fermented camel MilkKRKEMPLLQSPVKRKEMPLLQSPV12Camel skimmed Milkβ-Casein4.642c7hCytomodulatoryNANANAS. thermophilus LMD-9 (ATCC BAA-491®)ProteaseHPLC/nESI-MS/MSNA NANA
FMDB740NANAAQTQSLVYPFPGPIPKAQTQSLVYPFPGPIPK16fermented Milk ( lassi)β-Casein4.637C10hOpioid;Immunomodulatory;CytomodulatoryNANANAL.acidophilus NCDC-15,Lactococcus lactis NCDC-167 and S. thermophilusCell envelope proteasenano HPLCTRAPMSNA 1742.01NA
FMDB756NANAMAPKHKEMPFPKYPVEPFMAPKHKEMPFPKYPVEPF18fermented Milk ( lassi)β-Casein4.637C10hAce-inhibitory;CytomodulatoryIn vitroNAspectrophotometric assay using HHL as substrateL.acidophilus NCDC-15,Lactococcus lactis NCDC-167 and S. thermophilusCell envelope proteasenano HPLCTRAPMSNA 2172.25NA