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Th1072 details
Primary information
ThPP IDTh1072
Therapeutic Peptide/Protein NameStreptokinase
Functional ClassificationIc
Molecular Weight47286.7
Chemical FormulaC2100H3278N566O669S4
Isoelectric Point5.12
Melting Point (℃)N.A.
Half LifeN.A.
DescriptionStreptokinase, is a sterile, purified preparation of a bacterial protein elaborated by group C (beta) -hemolytic streptococci.
Indication/DiseaseFor the treatment of acute evolving transmural myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, arterial thrombosis or emolism and occlusion of arteriovenous cannulae
PharmacodynamicsStreptokinase creates an active complex which promotes the cleavage of the Arg/Val bond in plasminogen to form the proteolytic enzyme plasmin. Plasmin in turn degrades the fibrin matrix of the thrombus, thereby exerting its thrombolytic action. This helps eliminate blood clots or arterial blockages that cause myocardial infarction.
Mechanism of ActionPlasminogen is an inactive molecule that becomes activated to plasmin when the Arg/Val bond is cleaved. Plasmin breaks down fibrin clots created by the blood clotting cascade. Streptokinase forms a highly specific 1:1 enzymatic complex with plasminogen which converts inactive plasminogen molecules into active plasmin. Plasmin degrades fibrin clots as well as fibrinogen and other plasma proteins. This in turn leads to the degradation of blood clots.
Volume of DistributionN.A.
CategoriesFibrinolytic Agents and Thrombolytic Agents
Patents NumberN.A.
Date of IssueN.A.
Date of ExpiryN.A.
Drug InteractionTiclopidine Increases bleeding risk. Monitor for signs of bleeding
Information of corresponding available drug in the market
Brand NameStreptase
CompanyCSL Behring
Brand DiscriptionStreptase (Streptokinase)a bacterial protein elaborated by group C (beta) -hemolytic streptococci.
Prescribed forIndicated in Acute Evolving Transmural Myocardial Infarction, Pulmonary Embolism, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Arterial Thrombosis or Embolism, Occlusion of Arteriovenous Cannulae
Chemical NameN.A.
Formulation25 mg cross-linked gelatin polypeptides, 25 mg sodium L-glutamate, sodium hydroxide to adjust pH, and 100 mg Albumin (Human) per vial or infusion bottle as stabilizers. The preparation contains no preservatives 
Physcial AppearanceIt is Sterile, purified preparation formulated as lypholized powder
Route of AdministrationIntravenous and intracoronary administration.
Recommended DosageIn Acute Evolving Transmural Myocardial Infarction,dose for IV-In 1,500,000 IU and IC-In 140,000 IU. For Pulmonary Embolism, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Arterial Thrombosis or Embolism, IV-In: 250,000 IU/30 min
ContraindicationNo Information Provided.
Side EffectsSevere internal bleeding involving  gastrointestinal  (including hepaticbleeding), genitourinary, retroperitoneal, or intracerebral sites has occurred and has resulted in fatalities. Minor breathing difficulty to bronchospasm, periorbital swelling or angioneurotic edema have been observed rarely. Other milder allergic effects such as urticaria, itching, flushing, nausea, headache and musculoskeletal pain have also been observed, as have delayed hypersensitivity reactions such as vasculitis and interstitial nephritis, Respiratory depression, etc.
Useful Linkhttp://www.rxlist.com/streptase-drug.htm
PubMed ID27192220, 26876783, 11442014, 8053983, 12428432, 1439452, 3488869, 28297015, 28292359
3-D StructureTh1072 (View) or (Download)
Primary information
ThPP IDTh1072
Therapeutic Peptide/Protein NameStreptokinase
Functional ClassificationIc
Molecular Weight47286.7
Chemical FormulaC2100H3278N566O669S4
Isoelectric Point5.12
Melting Point (℃)N.A.
Half LifeN.A.
DescriptionStreptokinase, is a sterile, purified preparation of a bacterial protein elaborated by group C (beta) -hemolytic streptococci.
Indication/DiseaseFor the treatment of acute evolving transmural myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, arterial thrombosis or emolism and occlusion of arteriovenous cannulae
PharmacodynamicsStreptokinase creates an active complex which promotes the cleavage of the Arg/Val bond in plasminogen to form the proteolytic enzyme plasmin. Plasmin in turn degrades the fibrin matrix of the thrombus, thereby exerting its thrombolytic action. This helps eliminate blood clots or arterial blockages that cause myocardial infarction.
Mechanism of ActionPlasminogen is an inactive molecule that becomes activated to plasmin when the Arg/Val bond is cleaved. Plasmin breaks down fibrin clots created by the blood clotting cascade. Streptokinase forms a highly specific 1:1 enzymatic complex with plasminogen which converts inactive plasminogen molecules into active plasmin. Plasmin degrades fibrin clots as well as fibrinogen and other plasma proteins. This in turn leads to the degradation of blood clots.
Volume of DistributionN.A.
CategoriesFibrinolytic Agents and Thrombolytic Agents
Patents NumberN.A.
Date of IssueN.A.
Date of ExpiryN.A.
Drug InteractionN.A.
Information of corresponding available drug in the market
Brand NameN.A.
Brand DiscriptionN.A.
Prescribed forN.A.
Chemical NameN.A.
Physcial AppearanceN.A.
Route of AdministrationN.A.
Recommended DosageN.A.
Side EffectsN.A.
Useful LinkN.A.
PubMed ID27192220, 26876783, 11442014, 8053983, 12428432, 1439452, 3488869, 28297015, 28292359
3-D StructureTh1072 (View) or (Download)
Primary information
ThPP IDTh1072
Therapeutic Peptide/Protein NameStreptokinase
Functional ClassificationIc
Molecular Weight47286.7
Chemical FormulaC2100H3278N566O669S4
Isoelectric Point5.12
Melting Point (℃)N.A.
Half LifeN.A.
DescriptionStreptokinase, is a sterile, purified preparation of a bacterial protein elaborated by group C (beta) -hemolytic streptococci.
Indication/DiseaseFor the treatment of acute evolving transmural myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, arterial thrombosis or emolism and occlusion of arteriovenous cannulae
PharmacodynamicsStreptokinase creates an active complex which promotes the cleavage of the Arg/Val bond in plasminogen to form the proteolytic enzyme plasmin. Plasmin in turn degrades the fibrin matrix of the thrombus, thereby exerting its thrombolytic action. This helps eliminate blood clots or arterial blockages that cause myocardial infarction.
Mechanism of ActionPlasminogen is an inactive molecule that becomes activated to plasmin when the Arg/Val bond is cleaved. Plasmin breaks down fibrin clots created by the blood clotting cascade. Streptokinase forms a highly specific 1:1 enzymatic complex with plasminogen which converts inactive plasminogen molecules into active plasmin. Plasmin degrades fibrin clots as well as fibrinogen and other plasma proteins. This in turn leads to the degradation of blood clots.
Volume of DistributionN.A.
CategoriesFibrinolytic Agents and Thrombolytic Agents
Patents NumberN.A.
Date of IssueN.A.
Date of ExpiryN.A.
Drug InteractionN.A.
Information of corresponding available drug in the market
Brand NameN.A.
Brand DiscriptionN.A.
Prescribed forN.A.
Chemical NameN.A.
Physcial AppearanceN.A.
Route of AdministrationN.A.
Recommended DosageN.A.
Side EffectsN.A.
Useful LinkN.A.
PubMed ID27192220, 26876783, 11442014, 8053983, 12428432, 1439452, 3488869, 28297015, 28292359
3-D StructureTh1072 (View) or (Download)