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1305 details
Primary information
ThPP IDTh1043
Therapeutic Peptide/Protein NameRasburicase
Functional ClassificationIc
Molecular Weight34109.5
Chemical FormulaC1521H2381N417O461S7
Isoelectric Point7.16
Melting Point (℃)N.A.
Half Life18 hours
DescriptionRasburicase is a recombinant urate-oxidase enzyme produced by a genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae< strain. The cDNA coding for rasburicase was cloned from a strain of Aspergillus flavus.
Indication/DiseaseFor treatment of hyperuricemia, reduces elevated plasma uric acid levels (from chemotherapy).
PharmacodynamicsDrugs used to treat lympohoid leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and acute myelogenous leukemia often lead to the accumulation of toxic plasma levels of purine metabolites (i.e. uric acid). The injection of rasburicase reduces levels of uric acid and mitigates the toxic effects of chemotherapy induced tumor lysis.
Mechanism of ActionRasburicase catalyzes enzymatic oxidation of uric acid into an inactive and soluble metabolite (allantoin).
Volume of Distribution110 to 127 mL/kg [pediatric patients]
CategoriesGout Suppressants
Patents NumberCA2175971
Date of Issue30/12/03
Date of Expiry07/05/16
Drug Interactionamyl nitrite / sodium nitrite / sodium thiosulfate
TargetUric acid
Information of corresponding available drug in the market
Brand NameElitek
CompanySanofi-Synthelabo Inc
Brand DiscriptionElitek is a recombinant urate-oxidase produced by a genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. The cDNA coding for rasburicase was cloned from a strain of Aspergillus flavus. Rasburicase is a tetrameric protein with identical subunits. Each sub
Prescribed forUsed for preventing high blood levels of uric acid from occurring in patients with certain types of cancer (eg, leukemia, lymphoma, solid malignant tumors) who are receiving cancer chemotherapy treatment.
Chemical NameN.A.
FormulationElitek is supplied in 3 mL and 10 mL colorless, glass vials containing rasburicase at a concentration of 1.5 mg/mL after reconstitution. Elitek 1.5 mg presentation contains 1.5 mg rasburicase, 10.6 mg mannitol, 15.9 mg L-alanine, between 12.6 and 14.3 mg
Physcial AppearnceSterile, white to off-white, lyophilized powder
Route of AdministrationIntravenous administration
Recommended DosageThe recommended dose of Elitek is 0.2 mg/kg as a 30 minute Intravenous infusion daily for up to 5 days. Dosing beyond 5 days or administration of more than one course is not recommended.
ContraindicationPateints with history of anaphylaxic or severe hypersensitivity
Side EffectsRash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue; blue or gray skin color; chest pain; chills; coughing up blood; dark urine; fever; irregular heartbeat; numbness or tingling of the skin; persistent sore throat; severe dizziness; shortness of breath, trouble breathing, or wheezing; swelling of the hands or feet; weakness; yellowing of the eyes and skin.
Useful Linkhttp://www.elitek.us
PubMed ID20445229, 20394650
3-D StructureTh1043 (View) or (Download)