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1148 details
Primary information
ThPP IDTh1022
Therapeutic Peptide/Protein NameAntihemophilic Factor
Functional ClassificationIa
Molecular Weight264725.5
Chemical FormulaC11794H18314N3220O3553S83
Isoelectric Point6.97
Melting Point (℃)N.A.
Half Life8.4-19.3 hours
DescriptionHuman recombinant antihemophilic factor or Factor VIII of 2332 residues(glycosylated) is produced by CHO cells.
Indication/DiseaseFor the treatment of hemophilia A, von Willebrand disease and Factor XIII deficiency.
PharmacodynamicsAntihemophilic Factor binds factor IXa along with calcium and phospholipid, this complex converts factor X to factor Xa to facilitate clotting cascade.
Mechanism of ActionAntihemophilic factor is a protein found in normal plasma which is necessary for clot formation. The administration of AHF provides an increase in plasma levels of AHF and can temporarily correct the coagulation defect of patients with hemophilia A.
Volume of DistributionN.A.
Clearance4.1 mL/h/kg [Previously treated pediatric patients]
CategoriesCoagulants and Thrombotic agents
Patents NumberCA2124690
Date of Issue11/09/07
Date of Expiry01/10/13
Drug InteractionN.A.
TargetCoagulation factor X,Coagulation factor IX,von Willebrand factor,Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase, peroxisomal,Asialoglycoprotein receptor 2,78 kDa glucose-regulated protein,Calreticulin,Calnexin,Protein ERGIC-53,Prolow-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1,Multiple coagulation factor deficiency protein 2
Information of corresponding available drug in the market
Brand NameAdvate
Brand DiscriptionAdvate contains antihemophilic factor, a naturally occurring protein in the blood that helps blood to clot. Advate works by temporarily raising levels of factor VIII in the blood to aid in clotting.
Prescribed forADVATE is a medicine used to replace clotting factor that is missing in people with hemophilia A. It is used to prevent and control bleeding in adults and children (0-16 years) with hemophilia A.
Chemical NameN.A.
Physcial AppearncePowder form
Route of AdministrationIntravenous Injection
Recommended DosageDose (IU) = body weight (kg) _ Desired Factor VIII Rise (IU/dL or % of normal) _ 0.5 (IU/kg per IU/dL). So example, assuming assuming patient's baseline Factor VIII level is < 1% of normal = A dose of 1750 IU ADVATE administered to a 70 kg patient should be expected to result in a peak post-infusion Factor VIII increase of 1750 IU × {[2 IU/dL]/[IU/kg]}/[70 kg] = 50 IU/dL (50% of normal).
ContraindicationPatients who have life-threatening hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, to mouse or hamster protein or other constituents of the product.
Side EffectsChest pain; easy bruising, increased bleeding episodes; or bleeding from a wound or where the medicine was injected.
Useful Linkhttp://www.advate.com/assets/pdf/advate_iri_pi.pdf
PubMed ID23803235, 23105376, 8328652, 2341766, 4708094, 2831669, 27445511, 25136251, 6197726
3-D StructureTh1022 (View) or (Download)