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1099 details
Primary information
ThPP IDTh1014
Therapeutic Peptide/Protein NameSalmon Calcitonin
SequenceCSNLSTCVLGKLSQELHKLQTYPRTNTGSGTP view full sequnce in fasta
Functional ClassificationIb
Molecular Weight3431.853
Chemical FormulaC145H240N44O48S2
Isoelectric Point8.86
Melting Point (℃)N.A.
Half Life0.83-1.33 hours
DescriptionSynthetic peptide of 32 residues, formulated as a nasal spray.
Indication/DiseaseUsed for the treatment of post-menopausal osteoporosis.
PharmacodynamicsCalcitonin inhibits bone removal by osteoclasts and promotes bone formation by osteoblasts, leading to a net increase in bone mass. Calcitonin also reduces plasma calcium levels and enhances secretion of ions in the kidney.
Mechanism of ActionCalcitonin binds to the calcitonin receptor, found mainly in osteoclasts which then enhances the production of vitamin D producing enzymes (25-hydroxyvitamine D-24-hydroxylase), leading to greater calcium retention and enhanced bone density. Binding of calcitonin to its receptor also activates adenylyl cyclase and the phosphatidyl-inositol-calcium pathway.
ToxicityIt is devoid of embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic potential.
MetabolismPrimarily and almost exclusively degraded in the kidneys, forming pharmacologically inactive fragments of the molecule.
AbsorptionRapidly absorbed and eliminated. Bioavailability is high following subcutaneous and intramuscular injection in humans and similar for the two routes of administration (71% and 66%, respectively).
Volume of DistributionN.A.
ClearanceStudies with injectable calcitonin show increase in the excretion of filtered calcium, phosphate, and sodium by decreasing their tubular reabsorption in the kidney.
CategoriesAntihypercalcemic Agents
Patents NumberUS5733569
Date of Issue31/03/95
Date of Expiry31/03/15
Drug InteractionEskalith-CR (lithium)
Information of corresponding available drug in the market
Brand NameN.A.
Brand DiscriptionN.A.
Prescribed forFor treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis
Chemical NameN.A.
Physcial AppearnceN.A.
Route of AdministrationN.A.
Recommended DosageN.A.
Side EffectsSwelling in your feet
Useful Linkhttp://www.drugs.com/drug-interactions/calcitonin-index.html?filter=1
PubMed ID25860966, 24708057, 24357414, 24252061, 22001608, 20946924, 18704953, 18023905, 17207880
3-D StructureTh1014 (View) or (Download)