PSSM-based Module

This page allows users to predict SAM interacting residues in a protein from evolutionary information. This is main module of SAMbinder which uses PSSM Profile for predicting SAM interacting residues. User may select SVM or Random Forest based model for prediction. In this module, server first generate PSSM profile using PSIBLAST then predict SAM binding sites in a protein from its PSSM profile. This is a time consuming module, we do not allow to submit too many sequence. This server may send results or URL to result page if user submit their email address (This module is slow, please provide email address). For more information see help page

PSSM Submission Form

Job/Sequence Name: [optional]   

Paste protein sequences (Fasta format): Example Output

Or upload protein sequence file in fasta format:

Select Machine Learning Techique used for developing model
SVM Random Forest

Select the Probability Score (between 0 to 9):

Enter email address[optional]:
(Enter email if you want to receive your result via email)