This is a help page of SAMbinder, developed for predicting SM binding sites in a protein. This page provides diffrent type of information on SAMbinder. In order to provide information in structured forms, we have divided information in following topics.
Help PagesSAMbinder server discriminate the SAM interacting residues and non-interacting residues from a given sequence. The SAMbinder server uses the SVC based method by using the Position Specific Scoring Matrix (PSSM) generated from the query sequence(s). The overall accuracy of this server is ~ 96.00%. SAMbinder is a web-server specially trained for the SAM interacting residues. The prediction is based on the basis of PSSM pattern of 17 window motif of amino acid sequence by using support vector classifier (SVC). Probability score is calculated in between 0-9 and higher the probability value, higher is the chances of the residue to be SAM interacting. |
This page provides help on different modules of server. Following are major modules in this server:
Peptide Mapping: This module provide the utility to predict the SAM interacting residue based on calculated propensity. This module maps the motif of length selected by the user and tells the propensity of the residues. User can see the result online and facility of downlaoding the result in ".csv" file format is also provided. ![]() |