Detailed description page of Selected OV_ID

OV_717 details
Primary information
Virus Name Avian influenza A virus
StrainH7N3 NS1-77
Virus typeRNA
Virus familyOrthomyxoviridae
Modification in virus genomeMutations were introduced within the IAV NS1 gene to create a truncated protein of 77 aa (NS1-77)
Virus aloneYes
Virus in combination iwth drug/radiationNo
Immune gene induction in virus genomeNo
Source of cell lineNA
Origin of cell lineHuman pancreatic cancer cell line
Cell lineBxPC-3
Concentration of cell line0
In-vitro toxicityNA
AssayImmunoassay detection
In-vitro virus concentration0.001 MOI
In-vitro result130% cancer cell death (calculated as relative to mock-infected)
Model organismNo
In-vivo virus concentrationNo
In-vivo toxicityNA
In-vivo resultNo response
Mode of deliveryNA
Pathway inductionNA
Immunogenic effectUp-regulation of IFN-aplha
Clinical trialNA