Detailed description page of Selected OV_ID

OV_4396 details
Primary information
Virus Name Vesicular stomatitis virus
Virus typeRNA
Virus familyRhabdoviridae
Modification in virus genomeVirus expressing HIF2alpha, Sox10 and GFP gene
Virus aloneNo
Virus in combination iwth drug/radiationVSV-HIF2alpha+ VSV-sox10+ VSV-GFP
Immune gene induction in virus genomeNo
Source of cell lineNA
Origin of cell lineNA
Cell lineNA
Concentration of cell line0
In-vitro toxicityNA
In-vitro virus concentrationNA
In-vitro resultNA
Model organismC57BL/6 mice xenograft for GL261 cell line
In-vivo virus concentration5 × 10⁶ pfu
In-vivo toxicityNA
In-vivo resultAll mice survived upto day 30 fter that all was dead
Mode of deliveryIntravenous
Pathway inductionNA
Immunogenic effectAntiPD-1 antibody enhances the IL-17 and IFN-gamma production
Clinical trialNA