Protein Scanning Module

Prediction of Potent Hemolytic Regions in a Protein

Prediction of Hemolytic Regions in a Protein

This page serves as a valuable resource for users aiming to pinpoint particularly hemolytic regions within a specified protein/peptide sequence. The tool employs predictive algorithms to identify and emphasize regions within the protein that significantly contribute to its high hemolytic activity. By highlighting these areas, users can explore potential modifications or removal strategies. Conversely, users may input a protein sequence to uncover new hemolytic peptides. The tool generates fragments of a length specified by the user and predict their hemolytic activity. For further insights, please visit the Help page.

Type or paste protein sequence(s) in single letter code (in FASTA format):

Or upload peptide sequence file in fasta format:

Select the method

Select Machine Learning Technique used for developing model

Choose peptide fragment length: (Select fragment length in which you want to fragment your protein.)

Enter email address [optional]:
(Enter email if you want to receive your result via email)