Design Module

Designing of Non-hemolytic Peptides

This page allows users to submit single or multiple sequences in FASTA format. The server processes these sequences to design mutant peptides based on user-specified residues and positions. These mutant peptides are then evaluated for their potential hemolytic activity. If users wish to generate all possible mutant peptides, they can utilize the pip package or standalone tool. For additional information, please refer to the
Help page.

Type or paste peptide sequence(s) in single letter code (in FASTA format):

Or upload peptide sequence file in fasta format:

Select the method

Select Machine Learning Technique used for developing model


Enter the Single amino acid or dipeptide residue (e.g., A for Alanine).


Enter the position number (e.g., 3).

Enter email address [optional]:
(Enter email if you want to receive your result via email)