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Statistics of BacVacDB

BacVacDB contains 371 bacterial vaccine entries. This page contains various statistics regarding the vaccines in BacVacDB.
BACTERIAL DISEASES: Vaccines information was curated for 30 different human bacterial diseases where the highest(66) entries are for diphtheria which covers a major portion of around 22%. Then 20% of vaccine entries are for tetanus (lock jaw) and 15% for pertussis (whooping cough).

APPROVED VACCINES: Approved vaccines for different bacterial diseases where the major part comprises of the approved vaccines for tetanus (36) followed by diphtheria (35), pertussis (26), and then other diseases.

TYPE OF VACCINES: Vaccine with respect to type includes 131 entries for combination vaccines, 64 for conjugate vaccines, 56- Inactivated, 31-Recombinant, 29-Live attenuated, 21-Toxoid, 16-Subunit, 10-Polysaccharide, 5-Bioconjugate, 3-Viral vector and 1-DNA vaccine.

ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION: Vaccines could be administered via different routes like intramuscularly, oral etc. Most of the vaccines are administrered intramuscularly(260), 37-Oral, 26-Subcutaneous, 4-Intradermal, 4-Intranasal, 4-Percutaneous, 2-Intravenous, 2-Scarification, 1-Ingestion, 1-Sublingual and 1-Transcutaneous.
