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This page shows data for Live attenuated vaccine type.
Total Entries Retrieved: 29
IDName of the vaccineDisease nameName of bacteriaType of vaccineName of the manufacturerClinical Phase statusRoute of administrationPubMed identifierClinical trial number
1001 BCG Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) Mycobacterium tuberculosis Live attenuated Organon Teknika Corporation LLC Approved Percutaneous 28955344 NA
1002 BCG AJV Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) Mycobacterium tuberculosis Live attenuated AJ Vaccines Approved Intradermal NA NA
1100 Vaxchora Cholera Vibrio cholerae Live attenuated Emergent Travel Health Inc. Approved Oral NA NA
1107 BCG Leprosy Mycobacterium leprae Live attenuated Organon Teknika Corporation LLC Approved Percutaneous 29535713 NA
1108 EV 76 NIIEG Plague Yersinia pestis Live attenuated NA Approved Percutaneous 31199832, 24372254 NA
1114 Vivotif Typhoid Salmonella typhi Live attenuated Crucell Switzerland LTD Approved Oral NA NA
1115 Vivotif Typhoid Salmonella typhi Live attenuated Emergent Travel Health Inc. Approved Oral NA NA
1186 CVD 1208S Bacillary Dysentery (Shigellosis) Shigella genus Live attenuated University of Maryland, Baltimore Clinical - Terminated Oral 17938573 NCT00866476
1194 WRSs2 Bacillary Dysentery (Shigellosis) Shigella genus Live attenuated National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Clinical - Phase 2 Oral 30037478 NCT04242264
1195 WRSs2 and WRSs3 Bacillary Dysentery (Shigellosis) Shigella genus Live attenuated National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Clinical - Phase 1 Oral 30037478 NCT01336699
1196 CVD 1208S-122 Bacillary Dysentery (Shigellosis) Shigella genus Live attenuated University of Maryland, Baltimore Clinical - Phase 1 Oral 32257392 NCT04634513
1198 SC599 Bacillary Dysentery (Shigellosis) Shigella genus Live attenuated Institut Pasteur Clinical - Phase 2 Oral 19135496 NCT00210288
1199 SC602 Bacillary Dysentery (Shigellosis) Shigella genus Live attenuated Institut Pasteur Clinical Ingestion 10377124 NA
1202 WRSS1 Bacillary Dysentery (Shigellosis) Shigella genus Live attenuated U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command Clinical - Phase 1, Phase 2 Oral 30794051 NCT01080716
1213 CVD 1208S-122 E.coli Infections Escherichia coli Live attenuated University of Maryland, Baltimore Clinical - Phase 1 Oral 32257392 NCT04634513
1216 ACE527 E.coli Infections Escherichia coli Live attenuated TD Vaccines A/S Clinical - Phase 1 Oral NA NCT00901654
1218 ACAM2007 E.coli Infections Escherichia coli Live attenuated NA Clinical - Phase 1 Oral 17566016 NA
1219 ACAM2010 E.coli Infections Escherichia coli Live attenuated NA Clinical - Phase 1 Oral 17566016 NA
1220 ACAM2017 E.coli Infections Escherichia coli Live attenuated NA Clinical - Phase 1 Oral 17566016 NA
1223 NDBR 101 Tularemia (Rabbit fever) Francisella tularensis Live attenuated U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command Clinical - Phase 2 Percutaneous NA NCT00787826
1224 DVC-LVS Tularemia (Rabbit fever) Francisella tularensis Live attenuated National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Clinical - Phase 2 Scarification NA NCT01150695
1225 USAMRIID-LVS Tularemia (Rabbit fever) Francisella tularensis Live attenuated National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Clinical - Phase 2 Scarification NA NCT01150695
1318 PXVX0200 Cholera Vibrio cholerae Live attenuated Emergent BioSolutions Clinical - Phase 3 Oral 21498389 NCT01895855
1321 Choleragarde Cholera Vibrio cholerae Live attenuated International Vaccine Institute Clinical - Phase 2 Oral NA NCT00741637
1324 Peru-15-pCTB Cholera Vibrio cholerae Live attenuated National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Clinical - Phase 1 Oral NA NCT00654108
1329 Ty800 Typhoid Salmonella typhi Live attenuated AVANT Immunotherapeutic Clinical - Phase 2 Oral NA NCT00498654
1333 CVD 909 Typhoid Salmonella typhi Live attenuated National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Clinical - Phase 1 Oral NA NCT00326443
1334 CVD 908 Typhoid Salmonella typhi Live attenuated Centre for Vaccine Development, University of Maryland Clinical - Phase 1 Oral 17582563 NA
1335 CVD 908-HTRA Typhoid Salmonella typhi Live attenuated Evans Medical, Speke Clinical - Phase 2 Oral 17582563 NA