This webserver has been designed to facilitate research on Anti-Freezing proteins. The primary goal of this server is to predict Anti-Freezing peptides. This page provides a brief overview on different modules of the server. Following are major modules in this server:
This module allows the user to predict AFPs. User may submit a single peptide or multiple peptides in fasta format. User can select the desired model by checking the box provided in the main page.
This module allows the user to scan peptide fragments within the query proteins that are AFPs. This approach provides the output in a tabular form. User may submit a single peptide or multiple peptides in fasta format. User can select the desired model by checking the box provided in the main page.
This approach provides the output in a graphical form. User may submit a single peptide or multiple peptides in fasta format.
This module allows the user to generate mutants of the query protein and predict if the mutants are AFPs. User may submit a single peptide or multiple peptides in fasta format. User can select the desired model by checking the box provided in the main page.