Prediction of AntiBacterial Compounds against MurA Enzyme

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Inhibitor Prediction

  KiDoQ (Mtb target)

  GDoQ (Mtb target)

  ABMpred (Mtb target)

  eBooster (Mtb target)

  MDRIpred (Mtb cell)

  CancerIN (Cancer)

  ntEGFR (Cancer EGFR)

  EGFRpred (Cancer EGFR)

  DiPCell (Pancreatic Cancer)

  DMKPred (Human Kinases)

  TLR4HI (Human TLR4)

  HIVFin (HIV)

Antigenic Properties

ADMET Properties

  MetaPred (Cytochrome P450)

  ToxiPred (Aqueous toxicity)

  DrugMint (Drug-like)

  QED (Oral drug-like)

  Format Conversion


      ABMpred:Prediction of Antibacterial Compounds Against MurA Enzyme
Deepak Singla
Senior Research Fellow
Department of Computational Biology
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology
Okhla Phase 3, New Delhi, INDIA
contact: deep_kumar@imtech.res.in
Ankur Gautam
Postdoc. Research Fellow
Department of Computational Biology
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology
Okhla Phase 3, New Delhi, INDIA
contact: ankurgautam@imtech.res.in

Dr. Rupinder Tewari
Prof. and Head
Centre for Microbial Biotechnology
Panjab University
New Delhi, INDIA
contact: rupinder@pu.ac.in
Dr. G.P.S. Raghava
Professor and Head
Department of Computational Biology
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology
Okhla Phase 3, New Delhi, INDIA
contact: raghava@iiitd.ac.in