Reference: Chaudhary et., al., (2016) A Web Server and Mobile App for Computing Hemolytic Potency of Peptides. Sci Rep. 2016.

Standalone version of HemoPI
In order to provide prediction service on users's computer/laptop, we developed standalone version of HemoPI. This stanalone version is developed using JAVA so it may run on any operating system (Linux/MS-windows/MAC). offline assistance, we have developed JAVA standalone version of HemoPI which is freely available at following linnk. All the three main modules (i) Hemolytic Potency (ii) Virtual Screening and (iii) Protein Mapping are available. This software has been bundled as zipped jar file and can be downloaded from following URL. For more information click Help.

Download JAVA Standalone

How to install JAVA standalone of HemoPI.

1). Download the zip file from above given link.
2). After download, save it in desired location in your computer.
3). Navigate to dist folder.
4). Double click on the HemoPI.jar file or run it by using "java -jar HemoPI.jar". The software is tested on java 1.8
5). User have to select the parameters as shown below in the snapshots.

1) Home Page of HemoPI Java Standalone


2) Generating Analogs for the given Input Sequence.


3) Result Page of Analog Tool.


4) Virtual Screening tool(Batch Mode) of Java HemoPI.


5) Result Page of Virtual Screening Tool(Batch Mode).


6) Protein Scan tool of Java HemoPI.


7) Result page of Protein Scan.
