CellPPD is an in silico method, which is developed to predict and design efficient cell penetrating peptides (CPPs). The main dataset used in this method consists of 708 experimentally validated CPPs.
Major Features include:
(1) Desing Peptide: This module allows user to generate all possible single mutant analogues of their peptides and predict whether the analogue is cell penetrating or not.
(2) Multiple Peptides: This module of CellPPD allows user to predict number of CPPs in peptides submitted by the user.
(3) Protein Scanning: This module generates all possible overlapping peptides and their single mutant analogues of protein submitted by the user. It also predicts whether overlapping peptide/analogue is CPP or not.
(4) Motif Scan: Allows user to identify CPP motif in their sequences.
One of the major features of server is that it also calculates various physicochemical properties.
Peptide analogues can be displayed in sorting order based upon desired properties.