EbolaVCR: Computational resources for designing drugs and vaccines against EBOLA virus

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Ebola Virus Computational Resources (EbolaVCR) is the in silico resources developed to facilitate scientific community fighting against deadly virus EBOLA. This server enlists possible vaccine candidates, therapeutic siRNAs and other related resources.
Reference: Dhanda et. al. (2016) A web-based resource for designing therapeutics against Ebola Virus. Sci Rep. 6:24782.
Location in proteinEbola Virus Mayinga Zaire(EBOV-May)
Source Gene IDgi_10313998
Source Protein IDNP_066250.1
Source Protein SymbolVP24
Source Protein Namemembrane_associated_protein
Source strainzaire ebola
Conservation Level0
Found in human reference proteome0.34
Found in human 1000-genome based proteomeNO
B cell epitope0
MHC class I alleleY
HLA allele5
MHC class II allele12
Interferon-gamma inducing scoreNO(N)
Interleukin-4 inducing scoreNO(-0.28)