General Information: Main aim of the VICMpred server is to classify the pathogenic microbial proteins into four broad functional class.
- Virulence factors:- Adhesions; Toxins; and Hemolytic molecule.
- Information storage and processing:- Translational, ribosomal and biogenesis; Transcription; DNA replication and repair.
- Cellular process:- cell division and chromosome partitioning; Cell envelope biogenesis; Cell motility; Posttranslational modification; Inorganic ion transport.
- Metabolism:- Energy production and conversion; Amino acid transport and metabolism; Nucleotide transport and metabolism; Carbohydrate transport and metabolism; Lipid metabolism.
The VICMpred server uses SVM based method having patterns, aminoacid and dipeptide composition of bacterial protein sequences and overall accuracy of this server is 70.75%.
It is important in drug and vaccine point of view to select virulence proteins from the pool of proteins or the proteome of an organism.
Stepwise HELP
Name of Protein:- This is an optional field. It can have any alphabet and numbers with "-" or "_".
Protein Sequence:- VICM pred server allows the submission of sequence in any of the standard formats. The users can paste primary sequences in the provided inbox. The server also has the facility for uploading the local sequence files.
Sequence format:- The server can accept both the formated or without formatted primary protein sequences. The users should choose weather the sequence uploaded or pasted in plain or formated before running prediction.
Prediction Approach:- The server allows the prediction on the basis of three different approaches, Select any one out of them
- Patterns based;
- Patterns based and Amino acid composition;
- patterns based and Amino acid composition and Dipeptide composition;