Gene Name Gene ID Pubmed ID Classification Mechanism Marker Type Normal Cases Disease Cases Age Mean Age Place FIGO Grade Remark Title Journal Volume Year
SULT1A16817 18318428Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma (137) and 13 unknown.  Polymorphism  -  -  165  150  44 to 83 yrs for patient; 43 to 83 yrs for control  60  Veterans Affairs Medical Center San Francisco.  I (n=70;47%); II (n=56; 37%); III (n=22; 15%); IV (n=2; 1%)  -   CYP1A1; SULT1A1; and SULT1E1 polymorphisms are risk factors for endometrial cancer susceptibility.  Cancer  112(9):1964-73  2008