Gene Name Gene ID Pubmed ID Classification Mechanism Marker Type Normal Cases Disease Cases Age Mean Age Place FIGO Grade Remark Title Journal Volume Year
PTEN5728 9354433-  Mutation  -  Tumor suppressor  -  70  -  -  Duke University Medical Centre; North Carolina  IA (n=6); IB (n=9); IC (n=4); IIC (n=1); IIIA (n=1); IIIC (n=1); IVB (n=2)  1 (n=16); 2 (n=29); 3 (n= 25)   PTEN/MMAC1 mutations in endometrial cancers  Cancer Research  57(21):4736-8  1997  
PTEN5728 11190805Endometrioid carcinoma + serous carcinoma+ squamous cell carcinoma + small cell carcinoam + undifferentiated carcinoma  Mutation  -  -  73 endometrial hyperplasia  50 (endometrioid carcinoma) + 4 (serous carcinoma)+ 1 (squamous cell carcinoma) + 1 (small cell carcinoam) + 1 (undifferentiated carcinoma)  -  -  Department of Obsterics and Gynecology; Osaka University; Japan  -  -   Mutational analysis of the PTEN gene in endometrial carcinoma and hyperplasia.  American Journal of Clinical Pathology  115(1):32-8  2001  
PTEN5728 11309338-  Down regulation/ Down expression  -  Tumor suppressor  -  103  -  -  Tottori University Hospital Yonago; Japan  -  -   Correlation between loss of PTEN expression and Akt phosphorylation in endometrial carcinoma.  Clinical Cancer Research  7(4):892-5  2001  
PTEN5728 12790783-  Down regulation/ Down expression  -  Tumor suppressor  -  103  -  -  -  IIIC (n=55); IV (n=9)  1 (n=21); 2 (n=25); 3 (n=18)   Loss of PTEN expression followed by Akt phosphorylation is a poor prognostic factor for patients with endometrial cancer  Endocrine-related Cancer  10(2):203-8  2003  
PTEN5728 18377423-  Down regulation/ Down expression  -  Tumor suppressor  40 (20 proliferative+ 20 seceretory)  103 (endometrial carcinoma) + 34 atypical hyperplasia (6 simple + 28 complex atypical hyperplasia)  32 to 81  -  Shanghai Jiatong University; Shanghai; China  I-II (n=65); III-IV (n=38)  1 (n=35); 2 (n=38); 3 (n=30)   Correlation between NDRG1 and PTEN expression in endometrial carcinoma.  Cancer Science  99(4):706-10  2008