Gene Name Gene ID Pubmed ID Classification Mechanism Marker Type Normal Cases Disease Cases Age Mean Age Place FIGO Grade Remark Title Journal Volume Year
DNMT11786 18404674-  -  -  -  8 (4 proliferative + 3 secretory + 1 atrophic endometrium)  63 endometrioid carcinoma + 6 serous carcinoma +10 clear cell carcinoma + 16 hyperplastic endometrium without atypia + 40 atypical complex hyperplasia  34 to 97  57.9  Department of Pathology; University of HongKong; Queen Mary Hospital  -  -   Hypermethylation of RAS effector related genes and DNA methyltransferase 1 expression in endometrial carcinogenesis.  International Journal of Cancer  123(2):296-302  2008