Vector Machines In present study, a freely downloadable package of SVM, SVMlight has been used for the classification of secretory proteins. The software enables the users to define a number of parameters and also allows a choice of inbuilt kernel function, including linear, RBF and polynomial. The machine learning techniques are more successful if input units/patterns are of fixed length. Therefore, in the present study, different prediction approaches based on different features of a protein such as amino acid composition, dipeptide composition, PSSM-composition and SS-composition have been generate fixed length patterns. Position Specific Scoring Matrices Position
specific iterative BLAST (PSI-BLAST) refers to a feature of BLAST 2.0
in which a profile (or position specific scoring matrix, PSSM) is
constructed (automatically) from a multiple alignment of the highest
scoring hits in an initial BLAST search. The PSSM is generated by
calculating position-specific scores for each position in the
alignment. Highly conserved positions receive high scores and weakly
conserved positions receive scores near zero. The profile is used to
perform a second (etc.) BLAST search and the results of each
"iteration" used to refine the profile. This iterative
searching strategy results in increased sensitivity. Performance:
assess the performance of methods we used several parameters
routinely used. The following is a brief description of these
parameters. |