Useful Links Related to Peptides

IEDBDatabase of antibody and T cell epitopes for humans, non-human primates, rodents, and other animal species.
CAMPDatabase for antimicrobial peptides.
APD2Database for antimicrobial peptides.
ANTIMICANTIMIC is a comprehensive database of known and putative antimicrobial peptides, which contains ~1700 of these peptides.
PhytAMPPhytAMP is a database of plant antimicrobial peptides.
BIOPDBioPD is a Bioactive Polypeptide Database & hence a resource of bioactive peptides.
SPDBDatabase containing signal sequences of archaea, prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
TumorHopeTumorHope is a curated database of tumor homing peptides.
Pepbank Database of peptides based on sequence text mining and public peptide data sources.
PeptideDB Database of naturally occuring signalling peptide from animal resource.
PepXPepx is a structural database of protein -peptide complexes.
MimodbDatabase of mimotopes.
HmrbaseDataabase of hormones and their receptors.
MHCBNThe MHCBN is a curated database consisting of detailed information about Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Binding, Non-binding peptides and T-cell epitopes.
BCIPEP Database of B cell epitopes.
AntigenDBDatabase of pathogen antigens.
Pepfold Server predicting peptide structures from amino acid sequences.
DiscoTope Server predicts discontinuous B cell epitopes from protein three dimensional structures.
ElliPro Server for antibody and epitope prediction.
NetCTLServer predicts CTL epitopes in protein sequences.
Epitopia Server for detection of immunogenic regions in protein structures or sequences.
Cobepro Server for predicting continous B -cell epitopes.
Pep-3D-search: Server for B-cell epitope prediction based on mimotope analysis.
AllerToolsWebserver for predicting allergenicity and allergic cross-reactivity in proteins.
Pepstr The Pepstr server predicts the tertiary structure of small peptides with sequence length varying between 7 to 25 residues.
Antibp Antibp server predicts the antibacterial peptides in a protein sequence.
DestampDESTAMP is a server developed for designing highly stable antibacterial peptides.
TappredTAPPred is an on-line service for predicting binding affinity of peptides toward the TAP transporter.
PcleavageIt is a SVM based method for Proteasome cleavage Prediction.
CTLpredAn SVM and ANN based CTL epitope prediction tool.
Nhlapred It is a neural network based MHC Class-I Binding Peptide Prediction Server.
ABCpredArtificial neural network based B-cell epitope prediction server.
BCEpredServer for prediction of B cell epitope in antigenic sequences using physiochemical properties.
CBTope Server for prediction of conformational B cell epitopes.