Gene Name Pubmed ID Classification Sample Location Remark
SPP1 17306351OverexpressionClinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria.This protoncogene showed a 6.81 fold higher in malignant HR-HPV(-)cervical squamous cells  
SPP1 16353136OverexpressionDepartment of Obstercis and Gynaecology, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.SPP1 has a 10.08-fold increased expression in cervical cancer when compared to normal control  
SPP1 18217980UpregulationDepartment of Obstertics and Gynecology, Kora University Anam Hospital, Seoul, Soth KoreaThis gene is found to be twofold or more upregulated in the invasive cervical cancer compared with the CIS.