Gene Name Pubmed ID Classification Sample Location Remark
PTGS2 19723044Overexpression-Higher COX-2 expression is found in high garde lesions(CIN 2,3) than in low grade lesions (CIN 1). However, the difference is not statistically significant.  
PTGS2 18565574Overexpression-COX2 expression in normal cervix, low grade CIN, high grade CIN and SCC are 7.7%, 39.3%, 80% and 100% respectively  
PTGS2 12829126Upregulation-Increased expression of PTGS-2 (or COX2) has identified patients with a worse prognosis in cancer of the cervix.  
PTGS2 19836124OverexpressionDepartmen of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yonsei University Health System, Seoul, KoreaCOX2 expression is observed in 73% (17 of 23 cases) of stage IIB cervical adenocarcinoma.  
PTGS2 15589597MethylationDepartment of Obstertics and Gynecology, Seoul national University Hospital.Frequency of methylation of this gene is found to be 14.6%.