Gene Name Pubmed ID Classification Sample Location Remark
HRAS 15950068Overexpression-HRAS oncogene play an important role in the development of cervical cancer, and in the presence of HPV, this overexpression accelerates the G1 phase and accelerate the G1/S transition of infected cell.  
HRAS 10880723-Hospital de Ginecologia y Obstetricia of the Instituto Meicano del Seguro Social, Mexico City.There is a complex interaction between the proteolytic phenotype and the expression of nm23-H1 genes in carcinoma of the cervix that influences the clinical behaviour of the tumour.  
HRAS 7905784AmplificationLok Nayak Jayaprakashan Naryan Hospital, Delhi, India.HRAS has been shown to be amplified with 5 number of copies in cervical cancer.