Gene Name Pubmed ID Classification Sample Location Remark
ERBB2 17306351OverexpressionClinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria.It's overexpressed in cervical squamous cell carcinoma. It's expression in HPV(-) is increased by 11.10 as compared to HPV(+).  
ERBB2 19424877Overexpression-ErbB2 is overexpressed in cervical cancer, also its overexpression led to an increased expression of COX2 which promote enhance cell growth and resistance to apoptosis.  
ERBB2 7905784AmplificationLok Nayak Jayaprakashan Naryan Hospital, Delhi, India.ErbB2 has been shown to be amplified with high frequency for (5-68 copies) in advanced stage of cervical cancer.  
ERBB2 10534770OverexpressionDepartment of Pathology, Leiden University Medical CentreHPV-E5 enhanced activation of ErbB2, and tumors with high expression almost all showed amplifictaion of ErbB2 and are associated with poor prognosis.  
ERBB2 7736397Overexpression-erbb2 expression is detected in 49% in adenocarcinoma and 38% in squamous cell carcionam.