Gene Name Pubmed ID Classification Sample Location Remark
E2F1 17306351OverexpressionClinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria.It's overexpressed in cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Its expression in HPV (-) is increased by 6.48 fold as compared to HPV(+) samples.  
E2F1 18813814UpregulationDepartment of Obsterics and Gynaecology of the University Hospital of Heraklion, CreteThis gene is found to be upregulated 84% and 71% in cervical carcinoma and HSIL cases.  
E2F1 18191186UpregulationAcademic Medical Center, AmsterdamThis gene is reported to be upregulated in cervical cancer. E2F1 mediates both cell proliferation and p53-dependent/independent apoptosis.  
E2F1 18506748OverexpressionColumbia University Medical Center (CUMC), NewYork.This gene is overexpressed as a consequence of chromosome 20q gan and amplification in cervical cancer. And overexpressed as 4.7 fold on comparison between normal cervical squamous epithelium and tumors with chromosome 20 and 20q gain.