Help Section

This webpage is designed to help the users of the PRRpred method. It provides the step wise instructions on how to use the PRRpred webservice and its different modules. The architecture of this help page is designed as per the different modules of PRRpred as given below.


Prediction module is used to predict the PRRpred in a protein sequence using random forest based models. User can enter protein sequences in fasta format in the input box. The server also accepts multiple sequences in fasta format. User can also upload a file having multiple sequences in fasta format. An example sequence is also provided which can be filled in the input box by clicking on the 'Example Sequences' button. A threshold also needs to be selected for the prediction of PRRs.




Prediction module is used to predict the PRRpred in a protein sequence using random forest based models. User can enter protein sequences in fasta format in the input box. The server also accepts multiple sequences in fasta format. User can also upload a file having multiple sequences in fasta format. An example sequence is also provided which can be filled in the input box by clicking on the 'Example Sequences' button. A threshold also needs to be selected for the prediction of PRRs.

