NPACT- Naturally occuring Plant based Anticancerous Compound-Activity-Target DataBase

Compound: Tomatidine

TargetsGene NameGene IDCancerCell LinesIC50ED50EC50GI50RemarkReferences
COX-2cytochrome c oxidase subunit II4513Murine monocyte/macrophage line derived from ascitic tumour induced with Abelson leukaemai virusRAW264.7----Tomatidine suppressed the COX-2 protein level in a dose-dependent manner18544347
NFKB1nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 14790Murine monocyte/macrophage line derived from ascitic tumour induced with Abelson leukaemai virusRAW264.7----In the presence of tomatidine at 10-40 µmol/L, the binding activity of NF-kappaB was suppressed in a dose-dependent manner.18544347
NOS2nitric oxide synthase 2, inducible4843Murine monocyte/macrophage line derived from ascitic tumour induced with Abelson leukaemai virusRAW264.7----The iNOS protein was barely detectable in unstimulated cells but markedly increased after LPS treatment, and tomatidine caused dose-dependent inhibition of LPS-induced iNOS expression.18544347
PTGER3prostaglandin E receptor 3 (subtype EP3)5733Murine monocyte/macrophage line derived from ascitic tumour induced with Abelson leukaemai virusRAW264.7----Tomatidine suppressed the PGE2 production.18544347


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