NPACT- Naturally occuring Plant based Anticancerous Compound-Activity-Target DataBase

Compound: Quercetin

TargetsGene NameGene IDCancerCell LinesIC50ED50EC50GI50RemarkReferences
CDH1cadherin 1, type 1, E-cadherin999Epidermal CarcinomaA431-III----Quercetin moderetly increased E-cadherin levels in terms of both protein and mRNA in a dose-dependent manner.21752154
CDH1cadherin 1, type 1, E-cadherin999Epidermal CarcinomaA431-P----Quercetin moderetly increased E-cadherin levels in terms of both protein and mRNA in a dose-dependent manner.21752154
CDH1cadherin 1, type 1, E-cadherin999Epidermal CarcinomaA431-III----Reversed cadherin switching, downregulated EMT markers, and nullified the invasion ability of A431-III cells.21752154
CDH1cadherin 1, type 1, E-cadherin999Epidermal CarcinomaA431-P----Reversed cadherin switching, downregulated EMT markers, and nullified the invasion ability of A431-III cells.21752154


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