NPACT- Naturally occuring Plant based Anticancerous Compound-Activity-Target DataBase

Compound: 6-shogaol

TargetsGene NameGene IDCancerCell LinesIC50ED50EC50GI50RemarkReferences
VEGFAvascular endothelial growth factor A7422Ovarian CancerA-2780----6-shogaol treatment resulted in inhibition of VEGF secrettion. Inhibition of VEGF secretion was most evident in the ES-2 cell line (p = .007), as compared to the other cell lines tested (p = .19, .18, and .07 for A2780, CaOV3, andSKOV3 respectively).18096028
VEGFAvascular endothelial growth factor A7422Ovarian CancerCaOV3----6-shogaol treatment resulted in inhibition of VEGF secrettion. Inhibition of VEGF secretion was most evident in the ES-2 cell line (p = .007), as compared to the other cell lines tested (p = .19, .18, and .07 for A2780, CaOV3, andSKOV3 respectively).18096028
VEGFAvascular endothelial growth factor A7422Ovarian CancerSK-OV-3----6-shogaol treatment resulted in inhibition of VEGF secrettion. Inhibition of VEGF secretion was most evident in the ES-2 cell line (p = .007), as compared to the other cell lines tested (p = .19, .18, and .07 for A2780, CaOV3, andSKOV3 respectively).18096028
VEGFAvascular endothelial growth factor A7422Ovarian CarcinomaES-2----6-shogaol treatment resulted in inhibition of VEGF secrettion. Inhibition of VEGF secretion was most evident in the ES-2 cell line (p = .007), as compared to the other cell lines tested (p = .19, .18, and .07 for A2780, CaOV3, andSKOV3 respectively).18096028


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