NPACT- Naturally occuring Plant based Anticancerous Compound-Activity-Target DataBase

Compound: Diosmin

ModelsTargetInhibitory ConcRemarkReference
Colon neoplasm was initiated with azoxymethane in male F344 ratsPolyamines-Two flavonoids inhibit the growth of colonic ACF with more severe dysplastic or atypical hyperplastic epithelium (which may have a true preneoplastic nature) and suppressed progression of these lesions through adenoma to malignant neoplasm.Hesperidine either in alone or in combination with diosmin, significantly reduced the total concentration of blood polyamines(diamine+spermidine+spermine) of rats.9163681
Colon neoplasm was initiated with azoxymethane in male F344 ratsODC(Ornithine Decarboxlase)-Two flavonoids inhibit the growth of colonic ACF with more severe dysplastic or atypical hyperplastic epithelium (which may have a true preneoplastic nature) and suppressed progression of these lesions through adenoma to malignant neoplasm.Diosmin either in alone or in combination with hesperidin, found to block the induction of ODC in the colonic mucosa.9163681


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