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Inhibitor Prediction

  KiDoQ (Mtb target)

  GDoQ (Mtb target)

  ABMpred (Mtb target)

  eBooster (Mtb target)

  MDRIpred (Mtb cell)

  CancerIN (Cancer)

  ntEGFR (Cancer EGFR)

  EGFRpred (Cancer EGFR)

  DiPCell (Pancreatic Cancer)

  DMKPred (Human Kinases)

  TLR4HI (Human TLR4)

  HIVFin (HIV)

Antigenic Properties

ADMET Properties

  MetaPred (Cytochrome P450)

  ToxiPred (Aqueous toxicity)

  DrugMint (Drug-like)

  QED (Oral drug-like)

  Format Conversion



Submission Form
TLR4hi Submission Form
TLR4hi server allow to predict % inhibitory value of the compound against TLR4. You may submit molecules using any of the 3 methods.
1. Sketch using JME editor.
2. Paste molecules in the box.
3. Upload file containing moleclues in standard format.
Option 2 and 3 allow users to submit more than one molecule (upto 10).
Job Name (optional) Email Address (Optional):
(Please enter your email address if you want to receive your result via email)
Method 1. Sketch Structure using JME editor 

Warning ::Your Browser is either Not Supporting Applets or Java, Kindly use a browser that understands applets
You have to enable Java and JavaScritpt on your machine !

(JME Editor courtesy of Peter Ertl, Novartis)
Method 2. Paste structure in Mol/SMILE/SDF format
(Example Test.sdf Test.mol Test.smi)

Method 3.  Upload File :    
Select the input format (If used Method 2 or 3)